chapter 28: it's okay

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Castiel smiled and looked at his mum who was on her phone franticly looking at him and then back at the phone


"Jason confessed to something I didn't know about," she said calmly


" Morgan told me that he confessed to molesting you as well as beating you, he said he doesn't regret it w-why didn't you say anything?"

Castiel was shocked he was getting lightheaded and the room started spinning he was breathing heavily it was the only thought in his mind 'panic attack'

He could vaguely hear his mother's voice but other than that he was getting flashes from the night that horrific night.


Castiel was sitting in his room listening to the newest album from twenty-one pilot's 'trench' his mother was at work and she took Gabriel and Alfie he was home alone with his father he was just sitting on his bed with headphones on. He didn't hear his father creep into the room he only felt him tie a bandana over his mouth preventing him from screaming. That's when he was pinned down and molested his father threatened him saying if he told anyone he would hurt Gabe and Alfie cas nodded as his father took off the bandana. That night castiel cut for the first time in his life it was just a week after anna funeral.


The room stopped spinning finally hearing his mothers voice

"cas are you okay?" she panicked

"y-yeah I am I'm sorry," cas cleared his throat

"Why are you sorry," she asked

"i-I didn't tell you because he threatened to hurt Gabe a-nd Alfie,"castiel yawned

"go to sleep darling," she whispered and kissed Castiel's forehead castiel shut his eyes and rolled over letting sleep control him.

His mother put her phone up to her ear "did you get that?" she asked

"yes I did," Morgan replied 

A/N: sorry for the short chapters there will be a longer chapter soon.

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