chapter 41: mental ward

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Castiel was transferred after he saw his brothers he was changed into a hoodie with no string and some track pants with no drawstring he was sat in his room and someone put a tube up his nose and down his throat they out liquified food in it and kept him on observation he was laying down in his bed when some kid around his age walked in

"so what you in for?" he asked with a smile

"tried to kill myself and because I also have anorexia,"

The boy nodded "what's your name?"

"whats is this an integration," castiel responded before yawning

"I'll tell you mine- but tell me yours,"

"castiel now what's your name,"

"I'm Corey I'm here because I'm slightly insane but hey, oh I tried to kill my mother so," he was laughing

"oh umm look im tired I need some sleep,"

"no your going to talk to me- no one wants to talk to me," he started to get angry

" maybe it's the fact that you tried murdering someone," castiel grumbled.

Castiel heard the boy get up and walk away castiel though he was gone he finally left then he heard footsteps he turned and he was smothered by a pillow

"you should have never spoken to me like that,"

Castiels muffled screams echoed through the hall he was struggling- trying to fight

" your anorexic- you not strong enough to fight back,"

Castiel was crying he was trying to breathe

"stop moving, just give up,"

Castiel didn't stop he kept on fighting before the weight shifted one of the nurses pulled the pillow off castiels face he shot up coughing gasping for air

"thank you," castiel smiled

The nurse smiled at him " I'm letting your parent know what happened but just lay down and relax, lunch will be here soon, and I'll be back to make sure you eat it,"

Castiel nodded and rolled over he fell asleep and dreamed of Dean.

Dean was staying home for the week he got spammed with messages from Charlie

He answered finally

Charlie: dean I swear if you don't answer I'm coming over

Dean: fine I'll tell you where I and cas are

Charlie: finally

Dean: Castiel's in a mental ward and well I'm still recovering from kicking down Castiel's bathroom door

Charlie: I'm sorry explain?

Dean: cas tried to kill himself.... Pills

Charlie: shit man you okay?

Dean: it was my fault

Charlie: no it wasn't

Dean put his phone down he was sick and tired of people telling him it wasn't his fault, because it was, castiel told him so he rolled over tried to sleep he wasn't getting any sleep all he was seeing was castiels body.

Castiel was slowly eating his lunch

"I'm sorry I'm taking so long to eat," he whispered

"it's fine dear, take as long as you need- we don't need you,"

Castiel gagged she handed him a throw-up bag for him to empty his stomach he started crying

"I'm a failure, I'll never be able to hold down a meal again,"

"Honey this type of thing takes time and I know sometimes you feel like giving up,"

" but dean he won't like me anymore,"

"If he doesn't like you when you're healthy he's a dick,"

Castiel laughed

"how about some cheese and crackers huh?"


She walked out and grabbed some cheese and crackers and some water

"All alright here,"

"thank you, Rowena your kind"

"any time deary,"

They sat as castiel slowly ate keeping the food down

"Okay so- I'm going to put some more food through your tube because that wasn't enough to get to your leaving goal, we are just re-training your brain you need food to live hun,"

Castiel nodded playing with his hair

"speaking of when can I leave,"

"Hopefully in a few days,"

Castiel smiled he just wanted to leave this horrible place he was always in his room, his favourite nurse always brought him watercolours and paper from him to paint in his room sometimes crayons.

The week was almost up and he was able to hold down a meal finally

"hey cas," Rowena walked into the room

"Hi, Rowena,"

" I have some good news darling,"

Castiel smiled

"you can leave tomorrow, we've contacted your mother about your food and what your should be eating,"

Castiel nodded and smiled.

Castiel slowly packed up dragging his tube around when a few doctors came in "hello castiel,"

"hi, doc, why are you here,"

"We need to take out that's tube and well it will be quite uncomfortable,"

Castiel nodded

"We need you to sit down okay,"

Castiel nodded and sat down on the bed they rolled a chair in front of him and gently tugged on the tube

"you ready?"

"do it," castiel whispered

He was gripping the bedsheets as the tube was taken out of castiel nose

When it was out Castiel felt a wad of what castiel thought was snot

" cas sit up straight and head forward,"

"what's happening?"

"you're having a nose bleed,"

" I've had a lot of them before,"

The doctor nodded and held a tissue to Castiel's nose

"your father im guessing?"


The doctor smiled at cas and checked his nose

"Okay, so nothing is wrong just happened,"

Castiel nodded and continued to clean up his room until all of his stuff was in one corner and dinner got called he walked out and grabbed his food and sat down

"Alright honey," Rowena sat down next to him

"I see you got your tube out,"

Castiel smiled brightly as he could with a large amount of spaghetti in his mouth,

"don't eat too fast remember,"

Castiel nodded and paced himself with eating once he was finished it was movie time,

They had put on free guy, castiel sat on a bean bag and watched it- Rowena still kept an eye on castiel

Castiel was half asleep when the movie ended

"hey, cas sweetheart bedtime,"

Castiel nodded and yawned he was helped back to the room and sat on the bed he rolled over and started to snore 

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