chapter 2: News

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"yo dean what you are doing," Crowley on of the jocks ran up to his look where dean was

"looking at the punk huh think of getting into a fight with him, I don't recommend it he's abnormally strong," Crowley grumbled

"oh, have you tried?"

"yeah we were actually trying to beat up that new kid Evan Hansen, by the way, why would you name your kid Evan but he walked up to me and punched me right on the left side,"

Dean had to hold in a growl 'it's not cas that's the dick it's them' dean thought

"I'm sure with you, me and the others I'm sure we can hurt them," Crowley said deviously

"Yeah, I'm not interested in beating two perfectly fine people,"

"what really, h-he's castiel he's a jerk, he broke Lisa's relationship with Tony," Crowley sounded shocked

Dean rolled his eyes and started to walk over to castiel and Evan

"hey guys," Dean sighed

"dean what did I tell you," castiel groaned

"I know but I wanted to say sorry, about Crowley,"

"dean you don't have to apologise for something your dick head friends did and I suggest you leave be-" castiel was cut off

"oi, Winchester what are you doing with the freaks,"

"nothing just telling them to back off because Lisa is my girl," Dean said with a sudden rage in his voice he then kicked castiel in the shin right where his dad kicked him the previous night

"bye dean," castiel got up with a groan and he helped Evan up

Castiel flipped off dean and the rest of the group

"one thing Evan," castiel said with a laugh, "don't trust jocks there all dicks," he said loud enough for dean to hear

Evan laughed and went to walk when cas almost fell over

"son of a bitch," castiel muttered

"what's wrong?"

"my leg he must've done something to it,"

"you need to go to the principal,"

"yeah he won't do anything, trust me,"

"but he- never mind can I see your classes,"

"oh sure," castiel limped

"hey we have a class together," Evan smiled

"wait what class, art?" castiel asked


"nice the only class I pay attention to,"

"what why,"

"I want to be a tattoo artist," castiel replied simply

"huh cool," Evan said

"wait here have my number," castiel said handing Evan a piece of paper with a set of numbers

Castiel limps to his next class history when he reaches he walked in and sat down at the back

"castiel nice for you to join us," the teacher remarked

"oh, shut up," castiel replied

The teacher rolled their eyes

"Okay so what is happening for your assessment you will need to make an essay with a partner on a historical figure," the teacher

Castiel groaned and hit his head against the desk. Some complete stranger is going to have to come over to his house or he will have to go over to there's and talk to them.

"anything you liked to say castiel," the teacher said pushing their glasses up there nose

"nope," castiel put on a sweet smile

"questions?" the teacher asked

Crowley shot his hand up

"are you choosing our partners," he mumbled

"yes and I won't be putting you with friends,"

Castiel called out

"can I work alone,"

The teacher laughed out

"no cause I know you won't do the work,"

Castiel lent back in his chair and mumbled something about look after his brothers

"okay so the pairs are," the teacher started to list the names

Castiel sat there hoping he would be with Charlie his old friend from middle school she knew he like hamilton and would be the best bet.

"dean and castiel,"

Castiel almost fell out of his chair

"what no I will not work with that jock," castiel yelled

"too bad Mr Novak," the teacher smiled

"This school is a fucking nightmare," castiel growled

Dean grabbed his stuff and sat by castiel

"listen here jock were doing it on alexander hamilton==, I'm going to do the work ill give you pieces to do we will meet at my house to do work no talking on the weekend. Got it," castiel said

Dean nodded

Castiel wouldn't even look at him or talk to him as castiel started writing down points about alexander that he remembered, dean just sat there in shock

"how do you know so much about hamilton?" dean asked

Castiel rolled his eyes and kept one working

"shut it jock," castiel grumbled

About half an hour later the bell rang signalling the end of the day

Castiel quickly grabbed his stuff and ran to his locker then he grabbed his textbooks from his locker and shoved them into his gab then walked out of the school to get his brothers

"Novak," someone was shouting after him

"go away jock," castiel said

"cas look I wanted to apologise for hurting you," dean mumbled

"don't cas me, yeah right you knew exactly what you were doing," castiel yelled and started walking faster

Soon he reached the primary school

" hey cassie we made friends," Gabriel shouted

Castiel frown immediately turned into a soft smile

"yeah who?" castiel smiled

"come on," Gabriel grabbed castiel hand and dragged him to a short boy with brown hair down to his shoulders kinda like Gabriels

"This is sam,"

"well hello, sam,"

"Gabe Alfie, who is this he looks scary," sam said

"This is my older brother cassie he's very nice,"

"oh hi cassie," sam said

"Sammy where'd you go-," dean cut himself off


Castiel let out a sigh


They glared at each other for a bit then

"come, on boys, it's time to walk home," castiel smiled and grabbed Gabe and Alfie by the hands

They walk down the street away from the School

"cassie my feet hurt," Alfie cried

"oh okay come here," castiel said crouching down

He grabbed Alfie and put him on his shoulders

"let's go,"

they reached the home 

Living Next To The Punk: Destel AUWhere stories live. Discover now