Chapter 18: I love you castiel Novak

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 They sat down castiel lent his head on deans shoulder

"How are you feeling today I have pain killers in my locker if you need them," dean whispered

"I feel like utter shit, dean I got shot my leg I stitched it up but didn't you dare think it's your fault cause it's not if I was in that situation, I would have done that same," castiel whispered and gently placed his lips onto deans, castiel was happy he felt safe

Charlie looked like she was ready to burst and Evan was smiling

"go on Charlie let it out," castiel smiled

"YOU COULDN'T'VE OF WAITED ONE MORE DAY," she shouted but she was smiling and handed even 20 dollars

Castiel let out a laugh they all sat around talking dean had his arm around castiel frayle body, it was peaceful and nice until Lisa walked over

"so this is who you left me for fagstiel, that dyke and who even is that, you fucking dumped me Lisa FUCCKING Braiden for a dick like castiel, I'll have you running back in no time," she smirked

"Hey Lisa," Charlie shouted, "go fuck yourself,"

Castiel felt the itching sensation on his arms, thighs and hips he wanted to cut its been the longest time he's been clean 4 days, he didn't even cut on annas anniversary, he should tell dean, dean would help him

"dean,"castiel small voice said

"Yeah, baby,"

"I need I have to,"castiel gestured to his arms

"oh, baby come here,"

Dean pulled castiel on his laps and hugged him

"shh, I need you, we need you, your family, I'll take you from your household you can move in at my uncle's house, I promise I will find a way,"

Castiel nodded they stayed like that until the bell rung and dean walked hand and hand to castiel class then he walked to his own they were happy he went to class with a smile

Cas: hello dean

Dean: cas why are you texting in class

Cas: I am in the north 1st-floor bathroom I need help

Dean: I am on my way

Dean raised his hand

"may I go to the bathroom?" dean asked

"sure just don't be too long,"

Dean stood up and rushed to the bathroom

"cas!" dean shouted

"i-I'm in here,"castiel sobbed

Dean slowly opened the stall and saw Castiel's arms bleeding

"oh cas," dean sighed

"I'm sorry, I sorry I couldn't stop the feeling it was too hard I'm a failure,"castiel cried

"it's okay it's a process you can't just get better because you get a boyfriend, listen to me cas," dean grabbed Castiel's face turning it toward him "you can't get better overnight okay?" dean kissed Castiel's nose

Castiel nodded

"Now where is your blade?" dean asked

Castiel shakily handed dean the blade he got castiel to stand up and dean flushed the blade

"let me run to my locker and get first ade," dean smiled

Castiel nodded smiling at dean

Dean ran out of the bathroom and grabbed the tiny box

"Whatcha doing dean?"Lisa asked twirling her hair

" helping my boyfriend,"

"what are you a fag,"

"yep, and you dated me, bye bitch,"

Dean pushed past Lisa and ran into the bathroom castiel was still sitting there on his phone

"babe," dean said knocking on the door warning him

"Hey babe," dean smiled opening the door

He slipped inside the door and gave cas some pain killers he then pulled out antiseptic and cleaned them and quickly wrapping his arm '

"you wanna have my flannel?" dean asked

"Please,"castiel responded looking up at dean

Dean smiled and shrugged off the flannel and gave it to him castiel smiled brightly and pulled it on wrapping it around him

"It smells like you," castiel smiled

Dean laughed

"Are you okay going to class," Dean asked wiping Castiel's tears away

"yes, I'll be fine,"

Dean smiled they walked away together they kissed and left each other dean sat down in class


"um all the bathrooms were shut so I had to go to the third floor," Dean lied

Cas: meet me in the art closet

Dean looked at his phone and smiled

Dean: sure baby

After class, he walked to the art closet

"so what did you need help with?" dean asked pulling castiel into a hug

" well theirs this thing I need to reach I'm too short," castiel said with a grin

"really," Dean said shocked

"yep," castiel swung opened the door and pointed to it

"ah yeah, I can reach that,"

Dean reached up to grab the paints once he grabbed it and handed it to castiel, castiel smirked and put the paints down

"you know I was joking, but I did need those," castiel laughed and pulled dean into a kiss

"you fucker," dean smiled kissing back.

" you. Love. me," castiel said between kisses

"yes. I. do,"

Dean grabbed castiel gently and pushed him up against the wall picking him up

"kinky," castiel laughed

"shut up,"

They continued until they heard the bell signalling for class

"I love you, dean," castiel smiled fixing his hair

"and I you cas,"

Castiel smiled and picked up the paints

"cas, can you and your brothers come over for dinner tonight?"

"um yeah of course,"


Castiel smiled at dean and quickly made his way to his art class 

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