chapter 33: Our Place

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It was getting late but dean was still there, in fact, everyone was, the house was full of laughs and giggles and kisses, they watch Castiel old childhood videos when anna was there, before the big change in castiels life and they found a video of castiels getting his first tattoo, his mother gave permission and castiel had drawn the design it was a black veil brides tattoo they symbol on his back left shoulder.

Castiel has to show it now, he pulled off his shirt and turn around for them to see, they smiled. Castiel pulled his shorts back on and stood up from where he was sitting next to dean he ran upstairs and grabbed something and his thick jean jacket

"Hey mum," he started

"Yeah, hun,"

"can I take dean to my spot tonight,"

She smiled and nodded and then he asked Mrs Winchester he told them his plan was crazy but he found some old rings that would fit him and dean so why not.

He grabbed deans hand and took him out of the house

"where are we going cas,"

"it's a surprise dean,"

Dean silently nodded and followed cas to a motorcycle

"cas you,"

"yeah I drive this beauty, I used to drive it to school but then my brothers started to go to school and I decided to only drive this on special occasions or well when I move out," castiel chuckled and showed him his drivers license

Dean nodded and watched castiel pull on his jean jacket and pat his pocket, he grabbed his helmet and tossed one to Dean.

"come on, adventure," castiel whispered dean nodded and jumped on the back, castiel sighed and turned on the bike they went down the street dean holding onto castiel waist in fear of them falling as they turned. They drove for about 30 minutes turn on some weird dirt road,

"cas are you finally going to kill me,"

Castiel let out a chuckle "no darling I could never hurt you."

They came to a complete stop and castiel turned off his bike and left it on the side of the road

"now we walk,"

Castiel pulled his helmet off and grabbed a bag

Dean followed in a suit walking through the bushland there was a path cut out, castiel suddenly stopped and tied the bag to his belt and started climbing a tall tree

"dean come on," castiel laughed

Dean once again followed they climbed up a bit rope and ended up in a small little cabin type thing

"I need to turn on the lights," castiel whispered and hit something on the floor, little fairy lights turned on around the room there were street signs and posters from concerts his been to, there were homemade cubords and side tables with lamps which castiel was turning on, there were drawings of his trauma dean looked at one that looked like a girl which was the presumed anna laying on the carpet there a boy cowering in a corner with a tall dark figure standing over the boy, there was an old-timey looking tv and there was a stereo which castiel turned on

"Welcome to my home away from home,"

Dean smiled it looked amazing and he spotted a bunch of blankets and pillows there was a bed, maybe he slept here sometimes. Castiel grabbed out the rings and sighed

"dean please look at me," castiel whispered nervously

Dean turned around and was about to question what he was wrong and he saw castiel on one knee with a small smile

"dean I've known you for almost a year and it has been the best/worst year of my life. You have been there for me through multiple brake downs, I was such a dick to you, you've changed me, this isn't a wedding ring," Castiel chuckled " but it is a promise ring, I promise to marry you, you're the one I see in the future you're my yellow, my sun, I don't care about the other people at school, I don't want anyone else apart from you," castiel finished

Dean let out a choked sob and nodded castiel smiled and slipped on the promise ring it was a sliver plane band and castiel pulled out a different one it was black but the same and he put it on

"of course I would marry you," dean smiled

They smiled and sat down "drink?" castiel asked

"cas- I don't want to," dean denied thinking it was alcohol

"dean do you think I would want a beer after what happened to me, I promise its coke," castiel smiled pulling out two cups and a 2-litre bottle of coke

"well sure then,"

Castiel smiled and poured some out castiel stood up and turned on the tv and slid an old VHS in and sat down with dean leaning on his shoulder his hand resting on deans inner thigh, they were peaceful with evil dead playing in the background they occasionally kissed once the movie finished dean was asleep, castiel didn't want to leave so he texted his mum

Cas: hey mum me and dean are pretty tired and I don't want to drive tired were gonna sleep here I'll tell you what happened in the morning

Mam: okay darling have fun, use protection


Castiel chuckled and placed his phone on a table with the cups and he gently moved dean to lay down while taking his shoes off and then he took off his, shoes and shirt he pulled up the blankets and landed on to of dean, castiel fell asleep happy he dreamt of him and dean having a life together.

When castiel woke up he felt a hand gently brushing over his hair and soft kisses peppering his face

"Good morning angel," Dean smiled

Castiel let out a whine "five more minutes,"

"cas I need to piss," dean smiled at his boyfriend

"fine," castiel finally rolled off dean

Dean smiled "wheres the bathroom in here?"

Castiel yawned and pointed down

" window,"

Dean chuckled as his very adorable boyfriend rolled over, he decided to climb back down and piss which he did and climb back up he heard castiel snoring and sleep talking

"I love you dean," his voice tone happy and childish

Dean smiled and replied " and I love you too cas,"

Castiel smiled in his sleep and snored but it wasn't the loud obnoxious snores like sam does it was like a little purr, dean smiled and got back into the pillow pial and pulled castiel into a hug

"your back," he whispered

"I never left," 

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