Chapter 19:arts and dinner

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"Sorry, sorry," castiel excused himself quickly making his way into class

Castiel sat down in art next to Evan

"where were you?" Evan whispered

"dean and I had alone time," castiel said smiling

"ah," Evan responded realising what castiel meant

Castiel crack out laughing

"in the janitors closet cas really,"

"It wasn't the janitors closet it was the art closet so aha I win," castiel smiled giggling

"you two are gonna be like lovey-dovey all the time right?"Evan asked

"oh Evan you sweet naive child, I'm in love,"castiel swung his hand in the air flinging paint

Castiel laughed as it hit Lisa in the hair she let out a terrifying screech running out of the classroom

The teacher looked at cas and smiled trying not to laugh

"SORRY," castiel yelled of obviously not caring

They quietly talked painting

"I'm meeting his parents,"castiel mumbled

"oh SHIT I'm meeting his parents, there not going to like me,"castiel dropped his brush on his canvas paper

"cas I'm sure they'll like you,"

That's when castiel looked down a giant red splatter of paint cover what looked like dean

"shit I'm messing everything up,"castiel rank his hands through his hair

"cas just think, you're the artistic one," Evan smiled

Castiel stared at the painting and got an idea

He slathered the paint down the canvas and added browns and greens.

"See I knew you could do it that's amazing cas, now that's exactly like how tonights going to go, you might mess up but it will end up magnificent,"

Castiel let out a laugh and nodded he was feeling more excited than nervous

After school, castiel caught up with dean and grabbed his hand

"hi," castiel smiled leaning his head on deans shoulder

"hey, bee," dean smiled

They walked contently to deans car people did stare and make faces but they were happy, the car ride went smooth

"dean, I'm scared," castiel brought up playing with deans flannel sleeve

"aw why," Dean asked and ran his finger through Castiel's hair

"your parents, will they like me, I don't want to mess up, is there anything I can't bring up or-,"

Dean kissed castiel smiling

"shh, honey its okay, they will love you," dean smiled

"But I-,"

"shhh cas you'll do great,"

Castiel nodded and smiled, they got the kids and cas realised he needed to tell his mum he pulled out his phone and send a text

Cas: hey mum, me and the boys are having dinner at the Winchesters\

Cas: unrelated dean and I are dating kahbdakuf

Mum: that's amazing honey, have fun. Be quiet going through the window I'll leave it opened

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