chapter 21: affection and bad timing

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Dean was about to kiss him when the door opened

mary opened the door.

"oh, good night boys," she smiled and shut the door.

"well that was," dean started to laugh

"yeah," castiel burst into laughter

This laugh was real Castiel's nose scrunched up he tips his head back. So much joy was in the laugh which made dean so happy, dean joined in on laughing they both laughed until their ribs hurt

"you have the most beautiful laugh," dean smiled gently running his fingers through Castiel's hair

"you're never giving up are you?" castiel asked

"not until you realize how much love you deserve,"

Castiel nodded before giving dean a kiss and leant on deans chest as they swayed around the room

"I should tell my mum I'm sleeping over," castiel whispered

" yeah then we should sleep its almost midnight, we also have school tomorrow," Dean sighed

Castiel nodded and pulled out his phone quickly texting his mum and laying down next to dean,

"I love you cassie bear," dean whispered pulling cas onto his chest

"I love you de,"

Castiel curled up next to dean falling asleep very quickly, quicker than normal. He dreamt of him and dean getting married having kids then he was ripped away from them, he could hear there screams but he couldn't get to them. He woke up covered in sweat and tears.

"hey cas I'm here," Dean muttered

"I know I just-,"

"shh," dean sat up and pulled cas into a hug

"your safe, your home," Dean repeated until castiel calmed down

"do you want to talk about it?" dean asked gently rubbing Castiel's back

" we were married, we had kids," castiel started

"hey is that so bad," dean gently laughed

Castiel smacked dean on the shoulder and continued

"you were hurt I couldn't get to you, I couldn't save you, you died, I don't want you to die," castiel sobbed

"hey, it's okay, we are safe I won't let your father hurt you," Dean said determined

Castiel nodded feeling the heavyweight of sleep take him away once again

This time he slept the entire time until deans alarm

"cas wake up,"

"huh wha- oh shit school I need to go get dressed," castiel stuttered

"hey you can borrow my clothes if you want, I'm sure Gabe and Alfie wouldn't mind wearing the same clothes," dean smiled

"dean do you really want people to think we slept together the first day we are together?"castiel asked rubbing his eyes

"I'll use your shirt and flannel I'll wear my jeans and my boots from yesterday,"castiel smiled picking up his jeans and pulled them on and quickly and pulled on his boots before looking for a shirt, leaving dean in shock he saw everything to cas's scars they were thick, jagged and dark it made him... beautiful dean reached out a gently touched one making castiel jump,

"They are beautiful," Dean muttered

"no they aren't its one more reason I'm ugly," castiel stated before pulling on a shirt and dean flannel hiding his healing arms.

Dean sighed and grabbed castiel face turning it toward him

" you are not fucking ugly, you are beautiful, your scars make you who you are, you are so handsome I- I can't explain it, and if you fucking say to me again that your ugly, I swear- just please cas you are the fucking most handsome man I've seen in years i- can't do this without you, from your blue eyes to your kindness – I love you cas and you can't change my mind," Dean said and eventually closing the space between them.

Castiel was crying how could he make dean feel like this, how dare he be this selfish

"I'm sorry dean I- I love you too," castiel muttered as mary walked in and saw

Dean nod and kiss his boyfriend who was crying, she cleared her throat " boys you need to get ready,"

She made them jump away from each other blushing castiel aggressively wiping his tears away

"right sorry mum," Dean said gently pulling on a shirt and his flannel.

And dragging castiel out of the room

" my mum always has terrible timing," dean grumbled

Castiel smiled and nodded

" dean?" castiel said

"huh?" dean responded turning around

Before dean could realize castiel jumped at him and kissed him

"I love you, dean, I love you so fucking much, and I love that you are patient I love you," castiel smiled

" cas baby I love you too, what's gotten into you?" dean asked

" um well I love you and I'm sorry for being so annoying," castiel admitted

"oh cas, your not annoying I love you too now let's go to school huh?" dean smiled

"yeahokay,"castiel smiled grabbing deans hand

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