chapter 3: the roof

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guys, you know what to do," castiel asked

"yes, if daddies mad run upstairs and let you take care of it," Gabriel and Alfie said

"correct," castiel smiled

They walk in and castiel wondered up to his mother

"How are you?" castiel asked

"I'm good Jason went out for some beers so be careful when he's home,"

"you know I will protect them and you cause I don't care how much he hits me as long as you guys are safe,"

"I know cas,"

"I'm going to go do my work, love you mum," castiel ran up the stairs

"guys dad has gone for some drinks he will be back,"

Castiel walked into his room forgetting his window was open and he took off his jacket and shirt changing into a sweater and some track pants. He didn't know that Dean was staring at him and could see everything the scars the bruises the gashes.

"what the fuck," Dean muttered

Castiel walked over to his speaker and turned it on and he started playing hayloft by mother mother he then sat on his bed and started doing his work. Soon dean saw the cautious posture change he slumped over he looked numb he lent down but before he could grab his blade his the door opened and he saw two little kids jump on him. He saw Castiel's eyes light up and his posture change. As he got tackled down

'that's cute,' dean thought

That little fight went on of about an hour before castiel walked out of the room

"dad?" castiel called

"there you are you useless waste of space, get me a beer and turn that racket down,"

"o-okay," castiel said walking out into the kitchen grabbed a bottle of beer opening it and placing the table next to the lounge where Jason was sitting "a-anything else?"

Jason stood up then slapped castiel in the face

"get out of my sight,"

Castiel nodded holding his cheek where he was hit and walked back up to his room. He walked over to his speaker and turned it off and walked over to his bed reaching under to grab a box with a beer bottle that he stole from his dad a couple of months ago some old pills and finally his blade he reached in a grabbed his blade and push the thin metal object against his already scarred skin but before he could do any damage he remembered anna his dead older sister he sighed and pushed past the thoughts and cut 10 times he put his blade away and pulled his sleeves down and he grabs the pack of smokes and lighter he went an sat out on his roof and placed the cigarette between his lips then lighted it

After about a 10 minutes dean was back at the window and he saw castiel smoking

Deans body moved without him telling it by opening is widow and climbing to sit next to him

"hey," dean mumbled making castiel jump

"Christ Winchester you scared the shit out of me, what do you want?" castiel said taking another drag

"you know those will kill you," Dean mumbled

"yeah well anything to speed up the process," castiel gave a cold laugh

"don't say that," Dean said sadly

"why do you care?"

"cause you seem cool and I want to be your friend," dean admitted

"you want to be my friend. Wow, you made that really obvious by kicking me in the shin,"

"i-I'm sorry they,"

"dean I understand there dicks your fine," castiel smiled and put out the cigarette

"thank you cas," dean smiled looking at castiel noticing a bruise forming on his cheek

"dude, what happened?"

"i- I walked into a wall," castiel stuttered

"oh okay," Dean replied

It was a couple of minutes of silence but there was one question still nagging dean

"Why do you smoke?" dean whispered

"Sorry?" castiel said turning his head toward dean

"I said why do you smoke?" dean said little louder

"b-because ever since my dad has become the way he has a bunch of weight on my shoulders and I

Guess it's my way of escaping,"

" I can understand that," Dean replied

Then castiel thought for a bit after anna died he promised himself that he wouldn't get close to anyone again and here he is opening himself up to dean let alone a jock he's hated jocks ever since his sister

"wait why am I telling you this,"castiel shouted standing up

" wait for cas," dean whispered

"don't call me that Winchester," castiel growled and walked into his room shutting his window and curtains he fell onto his bed and put on some doctor who which he ended up falling asleep to It 

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