chapter 1: the new kid

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Castiel woke up with a throbbing pain in his chest, his arms stinging from the cuts that he carves into his skin only from the night before. He walked into his bathroom and looked into the mirror he had his hair dyed, spider bites, a septum piercing and an eyebrow piercing. He took off his shirt and saw what his dad did the night before it was bad this was the worst beating, he got, all because of his little brothers knock a chair over and scared him. He has to protect them no matter what. He wrapped his chest in some gauze and put on a fall out boy shirt them a black jean jacket with a pentagram patch with safety pins placed on a part of the collar. He put on his black jeans and his doc martins. And walked down the hall to Gabriel and Alfie's room and knocked

"get ready were leaving soon," he said just loud enough to wake Gabriel and Alfie up

He walked downstairs and saw his mother who ran toward him and hugged him

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you alone with your father," she said almost in tears

"mum, mum, I'm okay, I can walk, I'm still breathing," castiel assured her and himself

"I still feel terrible honey, how are you,"

She looked up at his face and saw his black eye

"honey I'm so sorry," and said

"Hey it's okay," castiel muttered

They quickly pulled away when his father Jason walked down the stairs and walked up to castiel

"have you learnt your lesson on scaring me," he growled and castiel looked down and nodded.

After breakfast castiel helped clean up he walked up to his mum

"okay mum stay safe I need to take gabes and alf to school and myself,"

"castiel have these," his mum handed him some pain killers

"have two of them every two hours," she added

castiel smiled and squeezed his mum's hand and left

When he walked outside and saw a big red sold sign next door

"great," castiel sighed, "new people,"

"come on," he grabs his brothers hands and walks down the street swinging they boys hands.

He drops them off at the primary school he kneels next to them

"be good you boys don't make trouble Gabriel, Alfie make sure, also try and make friends okay,"

"Okay," they say in unison

"Alright, love you two," castiel said kissed them both on the head and left to his high school.

Castiel at school was a completely different person he was the punk the different one.

He walked into his form room and sat down at the back of the class

"late again Mr Novak," the teacher said

"when?" castiel asked a smile plastered on his face

The class look at him knowingly

"when what?" the teacher said

"When did I ask?" castiel replied

The teacher rolled his eyes and continued with the introduction

"This is Dean Winchester he is a new student and whatever," the teacher mumbled, "go sit next to castiel," the teacher added

Since castiel was the only one with a seat next to him. dean slowly made his way across the classroom to castiel

"Hey, I'm dean, I saw you this morning we live next door," Dean said, "we heard shouting last night what happened?"

"nothing it was nothing," castiel said looking down at his phone

"so you have two little brothers I have one his name is Sammy,"

"Does he go to the primary school," castiel asked putting his phone down

"uh yeah the one near 4th street," Dean said

"cool," castiel said

That's when the bell rang and castiel walked out slowly made his way to his locker and stared at the books when he heard the classic popular girl Lisa Brennen cackling

"hey is it dean?" she asked twirling her finger in her hair

"yeah it is who are you?" dean asked

"oh I'm Lisa, I'm here to warn you about castiel, he isn't a good person one time at a party he kissed me when I was in a relationship with someone and said that he doesn't have to know," she said

"oh thank you," dean smiled

"What utter bullshit," castiel muttered and walked past them. Lisa smirked he knocked into her and with them both falling over he said in a sickly-sweet voice said "oh I'm sorry didn't see you there must've thought you were a roach on the floor,"

Castiel got up and left to his first-class

At lunch he saw dean laughing at the jock table 'of course' castiel thought. Castiel really never ate at school or really at home he pretended he was full most times, so he didn't grab food and just sat at the very corner table put in headphones and started listening to anabor's burnout album when dean approached him

"Hey I'm sorry about earlier," he said

"oh no Lisa always does that when it's not even true but if you're a jock you shouldn't be friends with me or really talk to me okay," castiel said

"oh, bye then," Dean replied and walked away

Castiel grabbed his phone and walked to the back of the school when he heard screaming

He ran toward it and saw three jocks standing over a boy who had a cast on

"hey!" castiel yelled

"oh no its castiel Novak I'm shaking in my boots," the jock joked

"stop hurting the kid," castiel said

"why its fun," one jock said

"Okay then you've chosen the hard way," castiel said as he walked toward them and punched one

The rest and ran away

"hey, I'm castiel," castiel smiled

"I'm Evan Hansen, I'm new I was just asking for d-directions," he said softly

"well, I can help you,"

"thank you castiel,"

"hey, no problem,"

They walked around and found a nice open patch of grass

"here this is where I go," castiel said

"it's nice, right under the oak tree," he smiled

"you know your trees, what happened to your arm?" castiel asked

"w-well I did a thing at a national park, and I saw this beautiful tree, and I wondered what the world would look like up so high, so I climbed it and when I got to the-the top the branch I was standing on snapped, and I fell," he nervously laughed

"well can I sign it?" castiel asked

"sure," he handed him a sharpie so castiel signed it a medium size with a smile after

"thank you,"

"Hey I like you tattoos," Evan said

"what? How can you see them," castiel smiled

"I saw it on your ankle," Evan said

"oh yeah that was my first one it's hamilton," castiel said leaning forward and pulling up his jean leg "I have a soft spot for musicals," he smiled

What castiel didn't know was dean was watching him and smiling 'why did Lisa tell me he's a dick he just saved that new kid' dean thought 

Living Next To The Punk: Destel AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora