chapter 17: confrontations

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"How did you- what did you do," Castiel's mother asked

"youtube has everything you need, "castiel smiled

" I need to go see Gabe and Alfie," Castiel said walking past his mother who was in shock

He slowly walked in their room and was crushed

"Cassie you're okay," Gabriel cried

"yeah I am, I'm really tired wanna go and sleep in my bed tonight,"

They smiled and nodded running toward Castiel's room

"I just need to have a shower, "castiel whispered to the boys once they reached Castiel's room

Castiel quickly showered and pulled on grey swear pants and a misfits shirt he laid down on his bed his brothers crawled up on his arms as they watched doctor who

Dean pov

Dean was pacing his room, he fucked up big time he left castiel to get beaten by his father, they all heard a loud bang which dean assumed to be a gunshot, that terrified dean

"dean are you okay?" his mother knocked on his door

"no," dean admitted

"tell me,"

"I have this friend I don't even think were friends anymore after what I did, he lives next door I kissed him and his dad who is abusive walked in on us and his father yelled at me I was so scared I ran with Sammy I heard cas crying out for me to help, oh god he's going to hate me," dean explained

"We need to contact the authoriets," his mother said loudly

"no we can't he- he doesn't want the police he has the number of an FBI agent,"

Mary nodded sadly and sat down next to Dean

"honey there's not much you could do- is that him on the roof," mary cut herself off

"huh," dean turned around and saw castiel smoking on the room he looked like pummeled shit, he had black eyes, bruises coating his body,

"I need to talk to him," Dean stood up "I could explain,"

"Alright honey have fun," she smiled and left the room

Dean quickly opened his window and slowly walked up to castiel

"cas I -,"


"Cas let me explain I was terrified all my cells in my body were screaming to help you, but my brain went on autopilot I ran out cas I'm so fucking sorry please just give me a chance I promise I won't leave you again, I swear on my brother's life please cas i-I love you," dean started to cry

"dean... its what anyone would do, I just need some time I'm sorry, "castiel quickly exigushied his smoke and went back into his room locking the window and shutting the curtains.

Leaving dean to walk back to his room and broke down crying, Castiel was right he was like every other jock and he was going to change that soon he woke up for school he pulled on his jeans and a flannel he drove to school driving past castiel who was in a black veil brides shirt with a fishnet undershirt his scars and bruises covered with concealer and he was wearing black ripped jeans with fishnets stockings he had on a pair of platform doc martens and he had black suspenders with were hanging off his shoulders dean frowned castiel was limping. 

When he arrived at the school he went to the coach and quit football

He officially broke up with Lisa, and he sat with Charlie and Evan

"dean what's this I hear you quit football," Charlie smiled

"Something happened with me and cas and I wanna change for the best," dean didn't go into detail

"Dean?" he heard Castiel's voice "what are you doing?"

"look cas I'm done being fake, I can't hold it back anymore,"

"dean, what are you talking about, I heard you quit football why?"

Dean stood up on the table pulling castiel up with him,

"dean what are you doing?" castiel whispered

"castiel James Novak I love you so fucking much it scares me, but I wanna protect you hold you kiss your perfect lips, castiel please give me a chance," Dean begged

"Okay,"castiel smiled

They kissed deans hands went around Castiel's hips, while Castiel's hands went through deans hair-pulling part of his hair.

"god dean that's better than yesterday," castiel whispered 

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