Chapter 46: The Morning After

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Castiel woke up feeling sick he groaned slowly opening his eyes

It was bright too bright he didn't know what it was but he didn't like it

And then he felt vomit rising in his throat, He stood up and rushed to the bathroom to throw up.

Dean woke up and heard throwing up

"shit cas," dean stood up and rushed to him

He knelt and rubbed castiels back "your okay, I'm here," Dean whispered and stayed with him when cas pushed himself to lean against the bath

"why did?"


"But I don't,"

"your boyfriend forced you to- he drugged you he was going to rape you cas,"

"he was going to rape me?"

"yes, but you ran away- he's been arrested,"

"thank you for saving me dean," castiel smiled

"I'm not going to lie cas- I miss you, a lot, I miss your touch- your smile, your kisses,"

"I miss you too dean, I don't want to be with eric anymore, I want to be with you,"

The slowly let closer and gently kissed dean immediately pulled back

"vomit breath," he whispered

Castiel couldn't help but cackle he flung his head back laughing

"fine you idiot I'll brush my teeth," castiel smiled

He stood up and grabbed his toothbrush " I am never drinking again,"

Dean smiled and watched his boyfriend no-

"cas are you sure you want to date me again,"

"dean you are the love of my life- of course, I do," castiel said with a toothbrush in his mouth

Dean smiled and stood up and wrapped his arms around castiels small body castiel brushed his teeth a few times and used mouth wash, he turned a gently kissed dean


"definitely better," dean smiled and grabbed castiels hand

Castiel quickly got changed into a pair of sweats and no shirt and dean got changed into the same

They walked out of the room and walked downstairs

"hungry?" Dean asked

"starving," Castiel replied

Dean walked into their kitchen and looked around for food

"bacon and eggs?"

"fuck yes,"

Dean was cooking them and castiel had his arms wrapped around Dean back he yawned "I'm gonna make coffee,"

He pulled off of dean and walked over to the coffee machine "want some?" castiel asked opening the coffee cupboard


He pulled out two pods and two cups one a conjuring mug and the other a black veil brides theme

He put the machine on and set it on he walked back to hug Dean

"I love you," Castiel muttered

Dean smiled "I love you too,"

Dean put on a song and swayed around the room with cas

They didn't notice Becky watching them nor recording the song finished but they didn't stop

"it's like you two own your own apartment," she finally spoke

Castiel jump "Jesus mum,"

"it's good you see you two back together, I honestly hated eric,"

Castiel smiled and let dean go back to cooking

"The coffee's done,"

Castiel smiled and walked back over to the machine and grabbed the conjuring cup "your cup is the black veil brides,"

Dean smiled


Castiel took a sip of his coffee and smiled

"finished," dean smiled and dished it out

Castiel had made toast for himself he put his egg on the toast and grabbed some bacon

Dean followed him to the living room with his coffee and breakfast they turned of the tv and put on some cartoons


"what I like cartoons and scooby doos on so plus,"

"I love scooby doo," dean muttered

They watched cartoons all morning 

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