Chapter 47: The Better Date

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"you wanna go on a date?"

"yeah," castiel answers finishing his food

"you choose where do you want to go?"

"i- umm," castiel thought and reached out to pat the cat

"how about the movies and a walk in the local park?"


Castiels brothers ran down the stairs "good morning cassie," they shouted and jumped on the couch

"good morning," he muttered and kissed their heads

"cassie I thought you and dean weren't together anymore?" Alfie asked

"I and dean are together we just hand a miss understanding like you guys and your teachers,"


They all sat on the same couch with the little kitten until castiel shot up and out of the room and into the closest bathroom

"shit," Dean muttered and rushed into the bathroom

He saw castiel hunched over the toilet

"aw, darling,"

Dean walked up to castiel and knelt next to him and rubbed his back gently holding his hair back

"your okay, this is okay, you're going to be fine," Dean reassured

Castiel sat down and started sobbing "I can't stop, I'm never going to get better,"

" you are Cas you're going to be better alright,"


"no buts Mr, come on let's get you some crackers and cheese,"

"Okay, I just need to wash my face a brush my teeth- again,"

Dean stood up next to cas and walked out to get the cheese and crackers

Castiel came back a few minutes later and grabbed the cheese and crackers and snuggled up with his boyfriend, his cat and his brothers to watch cartoons until it was time for dean and cas to go get dressed to go out

Castiel put on his checkered black pants a black shirt and a black trench coat he pulled on his boots and tucked his long pants in the boots

He put on some eyeliner and walked downstairs to take his anti-depressants and grabbed an apple which he started eating he was trying so hard to be better to reach his weight goal.

"honey you look amazing,"

"dean and I have a date, were just going to the movies and then going for a walk through the botanic gardens,"

She nodded and smiled.

Mary quickly drove dean to the roadhouse to let him pick up his car and they both drove home septate, dean had put on an ac/dc shirt with a pair of jeans and the boots he always wears. He knocked on the door and Becky opened it

"hey cas is just playing with his brothers I'll get him,"

She rushed into the living room and called for him

Castiel came rushing through the living room and dean smiled- he had some glitter in his hair

"What happened?" dean laughed

"they found glitter, it's so messy," castiel laughed

"my question is how did you get it in your hair?"

"no idea," castiel laughed

They walked off hand in hand

"cas you look so handsome,"

"really- I just threw this stuff together,"

"It looks amazing,"

Castiel looked down blushing

"Sorry I had to go get my car- it was still at the roadhouse," dean said winging their arms


Dean smiled and opened the door for castiel castiel looked down and smiled he sat in the seat fiddling with his coat dean got in and handed cas a disc

" I found this at a thrift store I thought you would like it if we played it,"

It was a green day to be specific the album Dookie

"Are you sure, I don't want to annoy you with this,"

Dean sighed and looked to cas and took the disc off of him,

" It won't annoy me one bit,"

He placed it in the reader and it started playing he smiled and rested his head on deans shoulder

While he drove.

They reached the cinema with 40 minutes to get tickets and popcorn

"what do you wanna see?"

"umm, I wanted to see malignant,"

"Alright, we'll see that,"

Castiel was confused why was Dean going with everything that he wanted

"dean?" castiel grabbed deans arm

"what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just why are you being so nice,"

"because cas you deserve everything, and I'm sorry eric didn't show you, hell I didn't when we first started dating before all of this,"

Castiel smiled and grabbed deans hand.

The movie was good castiel enjoyed it especially when Dean grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him closer, okay so maybe they didn't watch the movie and spent the time making out.

They walked out to the car with hickeys on their neck- they got stares, they got back into the car and drove to the park they walked around it was nice and calming. They sat down at a bench overlooking a pond

"shit if I knew it was gonna be this cold I would've brought a jacket,"

Castiel smiled and shrugged his trenchcoat off and wrapped it around the both of them " better,"

Dean smiled and snuggled closer together

" yeah," 

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