chapter 27: sleeping

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A doctor walked in and grabbed a needle full of calmer

Dean looked up and pulled castiel closer and looked up at the doctor he noticed it wasn't a doctor at all

"he's fine," Dean growled

"sir clam down its just a relaxer,"

"I said Alester he's fine,"

he grabbed castiel and lodged the needle into Castiel's shoulder

"I don't know how much is in here but hopefully enough to kill him,"

Dean tried grabbing castiel back but he couldn't get there in time alester injected the substance and threw castiel to the floor.

"you really think that it was all perfect I saw you snogging your disgusting sickness at the roadhouse so I being a good little boy told hid father hoping that he would just kill castiel and you would be fixed but he had to have that god damn FBI agent in his phone but I'll fix you I swear he deserves to rot in hell, maybe I'll make it look like a suicide, after all, castiel did try yesterday am I right?"

"you fucker you wouldn't dare," dean growled lunging at alester punching him

He ran alester left and dean crawled over to castiel

"castiel please baby I can't lose you," he craydled  him

Castiel gasped for air and looked up at dean he weakly smiled

"dean, what happened?"

Dean didn't respond and just kissed cas

" oh thank god,"

He helped castiel back to his bed and called a nurse but before a nurse could arrive the FBI agent that saved castiel walked in

"Hey kid, how is he,"

" well he had a kidney fail, I gave him one of mine and just then a kid from our school tried to kill him he gave him some calming meds I've called a nurse to check him," Dean sighed smiling at castiel

Morgan smiled and sat on the other side of the bed

"I'm just going to stay in case that punk kid comes back,"

Dean snorted and watched castiel roll over finally letting the meds let him sleep soft snore coming from the boy he loved so dearly

He kept his eye on castiel that he didn't notice the nurse walking in and checking castiel after morgan told her what happened she sighed and told him what was going to happen and left

"kid,"'Morgan said

"wha- huh?" dean said looking at morgan

"Castiel's fine he was given the dose of an older citizen," morgan said

Dean froze "is he okay?" he asked

" y-yes but he'll be very tired probably confused,"

Dean smiled and stayed with castiel until his mother had to practically drag him out dean protested

Not even three hours later castiel woke up

Looking around to find dean but dean was nowhere to be found castiel stood up and stumbled out of the room feeling a rip in his arm he hissed and looked down and saw an iv drip connected to a wire

He just pulled it out and walked around confused that's when some nurse walked up to him

"castiel what are you doing up?"

"where am I, wheres dean, wheres my brothers?" castiel asked

The nurse explained that he was in the hospital and that his family and dean were home as it was 3 am,

The nurse laid castiel on the bed and put the IV back in his arm and stayed until he fell asleep the next morning he was given some food that consisted of toast and some cereal but he ate it as fast as he could he was starving not only was he was beaten up pretty good he was underweight it was bad.

Becky walked into his room softly smiled at him

"hi cassie," she smiled and pulled a chair up

Castiel could tell she wanted to cry "dean told me the other day that you tried," she took a deep breath and castiel knew what she was going to say "t-tried to jump o-off a cliff?"

Castiel kept his eyes shut tears flowing down his face "i-I'm s-s-sorry," castiel sobbed

"oh, darling why didn't you say something you just tried,"

She pulled castiel into a hug and sighed

"what am I going to do to you?"

"I'm going to get better I promise," castiel smiled

Hope was glistening in his eyes like a little fire was lit inside him.

"you better, I'm having dean check your room, after school, okay,"

Castiel nodded feeling something lift off his this indescribable weight.

"Also I've brought your sketchbook some pencils and your phone,"

Castiel gently thanked her and opened his sketchbook looking at a drawing od dean at football practice he was leaning back on the benches arms clinging to the bench he smiled it was his favourite drawing

He skimmed to an empty page and started drawing it started as lines but then it turned into a forest with a little yellow tree in the middle of the page.

Castiel smiled at it and looked around his mother was sitting smiling at him

"you look so happy," she whispered "for the first time in years," she hugged herself

Castiel was stunned he was happy truly happy he gelt like a little kid on Christmas

"I am, he's gone," castiel replied

There was so much he hadn't told her like the time he touched cas when she was at work castiel was molested by his father he was never going to say anything not yet at least castiel shuttered but ignored the feeling deep in his stomach he kept to himself and scrolled through Instagram when he got a message from Charlie

Char char binks: dean told me what happened

Char char binks: we are all coming, you can't stop us

Cas: Oh god I am so sorry Charlie my phone was at a repair station getting fixed,

Cas: can't wait

Char char binks: hfw8 dean told me to tell you he loves you

Cas: awe I love him too


Cas: kjsdugwhc 

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