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Helloooo homiesss

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Helloooo homiesss

We're finally at the end of this book,
can y'all f-ing believe it? I certainly can't uM HoLd uP-

Okay so starting from the very scratch, I totally accept the fact that I'm still not a very haha recognized amourshipping author and I'm fine with it. All I ever wanted was a group of loyal readers, a few or a crowd doesn't matter. I'm just glad that people read this big BIG mess aka laconic. kudos yayyy

I agree that this book was SUPER crappy at [ok, a lot of] times and my heartfelt apologies you had to read that. But still at the very same time I'm happy you were able to endure it all in the end (:

Also the following is gonna be a long-a§§ rant so buckle your seatbelts and sorry if it wastes your time,

I've seen people copying someone else's writing/anyother style JUST BECAUSE they think it's very cool or wutever. Um it's alright if you love a way that's different from your own, but it doesn't automatically means that you'll start plagiarizing it. This isn't how you're supposed to play the game [ily if you know the reference]

A person I really look up to once said,
'instead of chasing or being like someone else, we should visualize our future self as a role model.' Honestly, no one else can inspire you the way you can do.

I've seen some wattpad weatherbois/gorls do this thing very often and it really gets on my nerves. Stick to your own style for God's sake! That's what I've been doing since the very beginning. Yes, I did take inspo from others, but never did I COMPLETELY cheat their thing. In fact, as I read more books, my horizon grew and then I reached here. Though I still have a very long way to go.

I don't know what advise am I supposed to give y'all and idk why people think my writing's superior. It's true that I put in a lot of hardwork, that was because I rarely see any well-written amour books and it really saddens me. I wanted to give them a nice read - like they're reading a novel and not a fanfic. Was I able to accomplish that? Only you all can tell.

Plus, English isn't my first language
[I aint telling what's my mother tounge for privacy reasons] so writing in the very beginning was very very tough. I did grammar errors and wrote stupid dialogues, but like I said, as time went by I learnt from my mistakes and developed my ways. Practice is the only key, and yeah, it takes time.

All in all I'd just say that I never gave up on writing even when I was struck by a horrible writer's block or received a comparatively less amount of reads. I believed in myself and did research about the littlest stuffs to make sure every loose strand was perfectly woven together. And altho I'm usually shy giving myself the credit, I'm kinda proud of myself (:

This book certainly isn't the best out there, but it just grew on me like it [hopefully] did with the readers. And I bet I'm gonna facepalm and cry tears of happiness at this heartwarming piece of crap sometime in the future.

The characters became my nonexistent family and there was a point where I started envisioning myself as serena, because I think her personality here is SO DAMN similar to mines. Also, fun fact: tonnes of things that happened in the plot were marginally inspired from my own life experiences, so there's that :7

I need to explore and give more time to myself, also my final high school year is creeping in and that sucks, urgh. Maybe I'll lessen the time I spend on glitchpad and updates [for Our Symphonies, check it out if you're free at the moment] would be slow. But I'm never gonna abandon any of my books, y'all know it. I'll even continue them in my  College years if possible, dont worry lol!Writing has become a ritual for me and idts i can ever part from it. <3

well um, what else am i supposed to say here-

keep working hard. practice, practice, PRACTICE. Most importantly, do it for yourself and not others. Perfecting a skill just to use it as a show-off tool is the most ridiculous act. Never do that, whether it's writing or any other life-related thing. Be your own self-proclaimed perfectionist.

ok ok this note got lengthy already, sorrie, all i wanna convey is that keep working hard towards whatever makes you feel happy and don't give up, yea :)

thanks for giving your time to laconic! I certainly won't be lying by saying that it means the world to me :">

Best wishes,
Deedee aka Dee ♡

Best wishes,Deedee aka Dee ♡

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