24. 》》 Hiraeth

604 51 91

(n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return.❞

The sun broke out unexpectantly sooner the next morning, and I found myself squinting eyes shut at the sunlight that made its space all across the lobby within seconds

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The sun broke out unexpectantly sooner the next morning, and I found myself squinting eyes shut at the sunlight that made its space all across the lobby within seconds.

Shuffling in my position made me realise that Dawn still sat beside me from last night, her blue hair in a loose bun and eyes groggily sealed. Without a word being said, I observed the nurses strolling from one ward to the other and extracted myself from the warmth of the blanket, sighing.

The Crisis from yesterday hit the subconsciousness of my mind like a truck, and I pursed my lips, letting the phrases echo through my ears for the millionth time as tears stung my eyes yet again,

"Was that all your friendship was about? Shoving her off in rage and leading to a situation where she's battling between life and unconsciousness?"

I knew that I doubtlessly deserved
such treatment, and I also knew that everyone except him and Lillie herself had forgiven me, and that little detail was enough to turn my hopes upside down.

I kept a hand over my forehead, sliding fingers through my hair in distress and taking a deep breath. My eyes lingered over the ward crosswise the lobby, where the three of them, assumedly, were still fast asleep.

There wasn't time to think over my decision, and the very next moment, I was shiveringly knocking the door, desperate to uncover how she was doing, but most importantly, give her a much rightful apology as soon as I could. It didn't matter whether she was ready to listen or not, my principles felt that making amends was compulsory, and Why wouldn't it be?

I was met with no response even after knocking thrice, but considering it impolite to peek in, I repeatedly tapped my foot and knocked for the fourth time, a bit louder.

Not too late enough, someone pulled the door open and I flinched, expecting Gladion or Ash himself to be there, but I was greeted by a short and plump nurse, a mask hanging around her neck as she passed a barest of smiles which I promptly returned.

"You're now allowed to go in, ma'am." The lady paused, her smile noticeably spreading. "Ms Aether's doing well. Her blood level is almost up to normal and I've changed her bandages."

With that, she bowed in my direction before taking a leave and making way for me to enter.

I stepped in as noiselessly as possible, scared that even the padding of my foot could jump Lillie awake, and as I was about to look over the bedside, a voice almost caused my heart to leap out.


It was a short and fatigued salutation, and I gulped before lifting my gaze to look at Gladion. He was sitting on a ladderback chair beside Lillie's bed, arms folded on lap and his features exquisite in the sunshine like any other day, though his dishelved hair and heavy eyes were a reminder of the grief-stricken state.

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