22. 》》 Ellpsism

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(n.) a sense of sadness one experiences when realizing that they won't live to see the future.❞

Tears and unsaid words from before had choked my larynx and created a lump that I found hard to gulp down

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Tears and unsaid words from before had choked my larynx and created a lump that I found hard to gulp down.

The situation had fallen out from my hands within mere fractions of seconds, and Never in my seventeen years of existence had I been a part of such catastrophic turn-of-events before. It was all too much for my brain to absorb, to piece together, and so all I did was let the saltiness roll down my cheeks, moistening them with haze-like apologies that had now taken a concrete form of regrets.

Ash's glare was a blinding red laser to my eyes, piercing through me and ingraining a strange feeling of dread.
I scampered down the stairs without letting a second thought take over, wobbling and taking support of the banisters.

The tears started waterfalling down my face as soon as I caught sight of the fragile, blacked out blonde girl who sat there. Blood was still profusely dripping down her forehead and an unseeable clot on her shoulder had tinged her formerly spotless pullover with dark and light shades of red.

Her eyelids where loosely pulled together - like she was in sleep - in a dream that she might never wake up from, all because of the unholy satan that had taken over my reflexes.

The person next to her was Misty, her own bright green eyes glassy and lips trembling upon checking on Lillie's wounds. It lurched my stomach witnessing that even an iron-willed tomboy like her couldn't control the tears from falling, crying, again - because of me - my beyond belief, rigid opinions.

How could I approve my conscience to bring on such a wreck? Was that how screwed-up my thoughts were, all this time?

Ash removed his navy blue jacket with shakey fingers and placed it around Lillie, specifically pressing her shoulder for holding in excessive blood loss.

Stilling eyes on her and with Misty's help - who gave me a doubtful side glance - he took the injured blonde in his arms and reached the entrance for carefully approaching the ground floor.

I stood there for a moment or two as quietness and incoherent guilts surrounded me yet again, hands nimbly by my sides as I stared at the pool of crimson liquid by the wall.

You deserved it. You're the most terrible friend one could ask for. The worst is yet to come.

It was like someone had mercilessly stabbed me in the chest a thousand times, pain suffocating me and forcing the air out from my lungs as I fell on my knees and buried head in my palms.

I hated it.

I hated why I could never take charge of the typhoons that life threw at me. I hated how much of a happiness slaughterer I was to my close ones. I hated how clingy I was to my insecurities, how self-centered, relentless of a disease I was. I hated myself, and I could never elucidate as to how not to cause any damage to others over and over again.

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