17. 》》 Cosmogyral

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(adj.) whirling around the universe❞

The last three weeks of October ran their course like scud clouds

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The last three weeks of October ran their course like scud clouds.

Those days were mostly a haze of our Cinderella play rehearsals and frequent arguments on how should the stage be set, the costumes and of course some dialogue settlements.

But, rather than exhausting like before, interacting with the gang was quite a thrill and stress-relieving on the whole.

We had gotten closer and eventually had developed a family-kinda relationship altogether. Screaming while correcting each other - particularly at Drew and Gary because they won't stop teasing Ash and his role - wasn't considered rude anymore. It was more like a joke, a cordiality.

Practicing merely at school wasn't enough - given that the corridors were most often crowded with students bedecking their stalls and classrooms with banners and other paper crafts hodge-podge.

Their noises were a misery, But watching the liveliness bloom throughout the campus as the Festival's date came nearer just unconsciously put a smile on my face, compelling me to work harder for the group, for greater appreciations.

Therefore, on being insisted by May the previous week, we carried our scripts and theatrical props to my mansion and continued our run-throughs there, in the garden.

Mom couldn't deem saying a no. She was a co-scholastic enthusiast herself back then from what I had gathered.

She even made us macarons and puddings during mini breaks. May, Gary, Drew, and ah, Ash - won't stop licking their fingers till the plates were all shiny.

The other girls - Miette and Shauna - would gossip the time away. They got along with Mom so well, for an instant I started believing that those two girls were her daughters and I was a mere trespasser.

And Gladion - while our chaos pursued - would just stroll around the whole place, greeting mom a 'good evening' in a voice that, still, was throaty since the day I had met him. And somehow I believed his actions to be some sort of nervousness.

He was that one kid who visits their friend's house for the first time and terribly regret being invited there. This blonde emo was such a mood that it made me chuckle from time to time.

But I couldn't deny admitting that he contributed a lot to the play. Gladion was cold-hearted, but if you'll get to know him, he's actually an amiable guy to have a talk with.

There was another such person to whom I grew exceptionally chummy with, Not Dawn or Misty. Perhaps they were my roommates but we couldn't spend much time together, the reason being our separate teams for the fest.

They were preoccupied with their own maid cafe preparations - though we used to binge watch random web series till 1 am in our dorms - but yeah, they already had enough on their plate to take out time for small talks and discussing how their day went.

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