34. 》》 Serein

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(n.) the fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night. ❞

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"Dawn, can you rush it up a bit?" I screeched whilst fitting my sock-cloaked feet in the Red Wing boots one by one

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"Dawn, can you rush it up a bit?" I screeched whilst fitting my sock-cloaked feet in the Red Wing boots one by one.

Once making sure that the laces were in tight double-knots and the jeans' hems were tucked inside, I bouced off my bed and tapped the bluette from back - who was standing in front of the mirror with two pair of earrings in both hands.

"Serry-berry, you're never gonna understand the holy art of dressing-up." She pointed out, haughtily smacking her dark red lips. "In other words, impressing someone."

"And who is it that you wanna impress at a friendly Christmas dinner?" I clapped my hands on my hips and asked.

The fake diamonds in the stud earrings she wore twinkled as she shook her head. "How am I supposed to know that? I ain't gushing over an annoyingly dense sugar-daddy like you, am I?"

"Ash is NOT my sugar-daddy! Get your facts checked before jumping on to conclusions." I rolled my eyes at her, my cheeks rosy, despite the fact that I hadn't put even a pinch of that blusher palette.

"Well you cared enough to deny, so -" She made a 'tsk' sound with her tounge, shrugging a shoulder. "You gave it away yourself."

"It's nothing as such. How many times do I need to remind you? Ash and I can't be together even if I lick my elbow, and he considers me nothing more than a friend."

"You done?" She spoke once I had paused my rambling, her face poker. "Girl, what're you gonna win by lying to everyone, to hell with it - you're lying to yourself." She sighed. "But it's okay. There are different ways in which people react to their feelings. You deny them but deep inside I know, I know you have a soft corner. One that you had squirreled away ever since grade preschool."

I snapped her a flabbergasted look, gapping my chapped lips to say a denial, but she just sympathetically shook her head for the second time.

Taking my hands in her manicured and perfectly nailpolished ones, Dawn smiled. "We all have our faith in you, Serena. You've had enough of the nonsense drama, and now I'm sure that happiness awaits you on the other side."

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