27. 》》 Apricity

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(n.) warmth of the sun in winters.❞

Things were maniacally going out of hand

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Things were maniacally going out of hand.

I agree that earlier on it was acceptable for Ash to act rudely and ignore what his friends were advising him to do -- deeming how wild the emotions can drive him at times, But now was totally the inverse.

As told by Gary, Ash was practically not ready to sit down for a moment and pick up anyone's words even a single time. He was pretending as though nothing in the universe mattered anymore. He refused to go for drive outings with the gang, disappeared more than half of the times, and paid nil attention in midst of a class - screw that - he rarely ever attended any lectures after the exams got over.

Everything was alright until the behaviour started affecting his studies. And I absolutely couldn't bear watching him do a repetition of his final year while other students graduate, and that too with no explanations from his side at all.

It was now mandatory for me to rummage around for the problem's gist, so I decided to approach someone who could perhaps, perhaps lend me a hand.

The sky used to remain dark from the break of day till its completion, and my skin had been craving the sun's eye-blinding rays for a long while now

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The sky used to remain dark from the break of day till its completion, and my skin had been craving the sun's eye-blinding rays for a long while now.

The Vermillion City marketplace wasn't lively the way it usually is at evenings, but given how the weather was now threatening to induce snowflakes anytime soon, the absence of people didn't surprise me.

Gulping, I rubbed my palms together and exhaled white fog from mouth in distress, standing in front of the destined building and reconsidering. The board read 'Joe's Pizzas' in cursives, and was illuminated in a neon red light in contradiction to the grey foreground of clouds. The glass door slided open on its own and I twiddled my fingers, trailing inside like a lost puppy.

A young couple with hands linked together emerged right from the front, and that sight darted the middle of my chest with a wave of feels as I absentmindedly moved aside.

Rearranging my thoughts back together, I ran my eyes from one corner of the restaurant to the other. Pastel yellow walls bedecked with white fairy lights - probably for the Christmas season - and the heartwarming scent of baked breads and cheese cleared my blocked nostrils. And for one brief second, my brain started creating scenarios of a 'what if Ash was here' possibility.

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