15. 》》 Lethologica

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❝ (n.) The inability to speak a word that's at the edge of your tounge.


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No. My brain won't just ingest it.

Exchange of words between the two of us grew passive with each step. It ultimately stilled to a point when I did nothing but gawk at the little rainwater puddles along the path. Wishing that the pits would suck me in and teleport me to some nameless planet or the underground world of subways and stinking drains.

Somewhere I could hunt for and conceptualize answers.

My awkward conversational skills finally kicked in as I parted my lips. "Don't you think your mom would've recovered much efficiently in a hospital? You should've talked to the doctors about it at least."

I caught a glance at his face.

"You think I didn't try?" He paused and inhaled a shakey breath. "I did. About a thousand times actually. But mom was like 'No better place than home itself' and she refused to move out. I don't even believe her anymore! Don't she get it that nurse attendants in hospitals can be much more of a help than that nanny who's from some horse and buggy days."

Creases stretched out over his forehead, his cheeks stained with dried out tears.

My eyes never teared from him as I attempted to read his ongoing thoughts. Which possibly enough, was impossible.

It was weird how I believed that Ash belonged among the clouds. Till the universe fell out.

Like he materialized from a nebula-came shooting down the earth to rescue me.

He burnt himself and lumimated the dark sky daily, regardless of the fact whether it caused him pain or not.

For the truth to be told- stars shone brighter than the moon if you gaze the sky at nightfall. They decorated the somber overcast like fairy lights.

But those celestial bodies of fire twinkle and waver too.

They don't show up on cloudy days, too.

Humans were composed of quite the similar features. Despite all the ounces of strength they camouflaged themselves with, it never changed the axioms that they weren't symbols of divinity that people looked up to.

Their light wasn't always constant. And so was Ash's melted chocolate like grins.

Our brisk walk slowed down to a stroll, letting the fresh petrichor and chipper notes of warblers play the panorama game. The sunlight wasn't eye blinding but it was warm enough for our clothes to get dry.

Raindrops weren't falling on us anymore. Still, however, clouds were scattered betwixt the tangerine-navy blue sky, indicating that it can possibly pour at night or perhaps tomorrow morning.

"How much did the chemo treatment cost you?" I tried to supress the nervousness by twidling my fingers as I asked him. "I mean, the whole procedure can equal an SUV I've heard."

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