》》 Epilogue - II

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The joyride to school was littered with chits-chats that didn't make heads or tails or any logic, i

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The joyride to school was littered with chits-chats that didn't make heads or tails or any logic, i.e. the trademark of our gossips. Making sense or thinking twice wasn't a thing when our mouths opened - and once the mood had nailed, there was no shutting down.

Lo-fi indie songs from the radiostation strummed alongside the warm midday breeze that tingled my skin, beams of sunlight freckled over my lap.

Dawn was talking about the misadventures of her very fun-spent university years, it must've been a piece of cake for her to mingle with her batchmates, she was the most adaptable being I had chanced upon - her nature so charismatic and jokes so painfully lame that you can't help but burst into gales of laughters. She'd paint her nose red just to revive the smile on your face. Still a lovable goofball.

Misty pressed the clutch and then twisted the key once the drive came to an end. Sighing, she spoke in her fierce voice, "We're here."

The four of us got off the muskmelon beauty -- May and Dawn pumped their fists and stretched their limbs while Misty kept her car keys in her jorts' back pocket. I, on the other hand, found myself draw closer to the gates: where I observed the swarms of twenty-something year olds cloaked in light toned casuals as they cackled over gossips that were incoherent to my ears.

Before any of the girls could've barged in my way, I was under the school's vicinity, the same playground with rust-coated swings and monkey bars, the maple tree, the flowerbeds that I hadn't watered since ages - all of it.

People and their words evaporated with the lukewarm nuzzles of wind, and in a subconscious state of mind, my eyes raced from one face to another -- in search for a particular mop of ebony hair; but my daydreams were rifted into pieces as an 'ouch' reached my earshot.

And when I rose my head, the boy -- someone that I absolutely wasn't expecting to be here -- was beaming down at me.

The striking feature in his appearance was his clothes, because it perhaps was a first for me to witness him wear something other than dark hoodies. And in all honesties, the almond chambray shirt matched his flair quite well, very fine; I even had to wipe off my drool before facing him.

"Gladion, you -" I halted, licking my lipstick, a bad habit of mine. "You look so - hunkalicious."

Ho-Lee Fook, Sere. You sounded like a thirsty please notice me freak saying that word, jeez, dig your grave already.

Gladion threw his head back with laughter, blonde hair lifting and giving away a peek of his vivid green eyes. "Thanks for the compliment, you remind me of a barbie in that outfit. Matches your style."

I allowed a smile to stretch over my lip. "I totally hadn't supposed that you would attend the reunion. How's art school going?"

"Just peachy," He affirmed. "Ms Mina's skills are excellent. She has a way with paints and pencils that no one else's got. But before anything else comes her teaching skills; she's soft-spoken, grants the slow paced students with extra time. She's like the best art teacher I could've asked for."

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