Rogue Luna chapter 15.

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I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the lights. I tried to shield my face from the light but I realized my hands were restrained. I looked down and noticed my hands had leather gloves on with chains around me. I was confused for a moment until I realized that the chains were silver so therefore they didn't want to burn me. I looked around the room to see nothing but white and the beating heart monitor. I looked to my left and was faced with a tired looking Damien.

"Hey what happened? Are you alright?" I asked him. 

He looked at me surprised as if I shouldn't be the one asking the question.

"What's with the chains, all I remember is you marking me and everything went black," I asked confused.

He held out his hand to caress my face.

"I'll tell you but not right now in your state," He said as he walked away.

I was so lost, what had I done to get chained up like this? What if I killed someone someone or hurt a pack member. I heard the heart monitor began to beep madly as I began freaking out. The doctor rushed in along with Damien and Blake.

"Get me out of these chains," I began struggling, trying to take the chains off with all my strength but it wasn't working. Damien and Blake rushed over to hold me down which caused me to look down in surprise.

"Iris we need you to calm down," Blake said in a serious tone. I never heard Blake talk in such a serious tone.

"Iris baby please calm down, we aren't going to hurt you," Damien pleaded, I slightly relaxed at Damien's tone. 

"Alpha your back seems to be healing well," The doctor spoke "Beta the swelling should go down in a few hours and as for the rest-"

"WHAT HAPPENED!" I roared as I continued to fight, scared and confused. I didn't know what was happening and now I was worried that I hurt many people in the process.

"Iris do you remember anything that happened last week? Damien has informed me that you blacked out," The doctor asked.

"Last week?! What the fuck is going on?! Get me the fuck out of these chains! I heard the heart monitor beeping madly, Damien and Blake still holding me down but struggling.

"Sedate her," Was the last thing I heard before I was pulled into a deep sleep.

"I'm so sorry baby, what's happening to you?" I woke up in the same white room but this time the chains were off of me. I raised my hands and began massaging my wrist.

I looked over to see Damien sitting next to the bed with his head down on the edge of the bed. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. I traveled my hand through his dark brown hair and his head immediately shot up. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

I was pulled into a tight hug to the point where I couldn't breath.

"Damien I-I can't-" I tried to stutter out.

He let go and had a apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry, it's just a lot has happened over the past week," He said.

"It's fine Damien I just want to know what happened, did I hurt anyone?" I asked.

Damien shifted uncomfortable but placed his hand in my hand. "You might have hurt a few people when we were trying to calm you down," He said but looked away from me.

I whimpered.

I didn't know what happened or what caused this but it's the fact that I hurt people, I was so far a terrible Luna and I didn't deserve to be his mate.

"I,Iris Lillian Rose rej-" I wasn't able to finish because a hand was placed firmly over my mouth.

"Why are you doing this?! I already marked you! You can't do this to me," He said angrily. He took his hand from my mouth and stormed out of the room. I felt tears flowing down my face, I didn't know what was happening and I didn't know what I was doing. I was doing this to him, I didn't want anyone to suffer because of me and I was already causing too much trouble. Now he was upset and I could feel it.

I could feel the rage bubbling inside him as I heard his thoughts in his mind.

'Why the fuck would she do this to me?! I thought she loved me, I thought things were becoming normal for us'

I felt guilty and I missed Damien's touch, I felt empty without him. I could feel his anger and his hurt. My wolf and I knew that we were the cause of our mates hurt.

I was an idiot.


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