Rogue Luna chapter 31.

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Damien's POV (when the fight breaks out on the pack territory)

"Chase get Iris to safety, then once she is safe to gather up all the women and children and bring them here into the basement and keep them protected." I said to Chase as I rushed out the house past him and Iris.

Everything seemed as though it was crashing down around me. Lillian was captured, Iris driving herself crazy and now rogues were attacking us. I don't want my children being into this world.


I'm going to be a father and Iris will be a mother. When this is all over I want to propose to Iris. I will give her the best wedding a girl could only dream of. I wanted to spoil her rotten.

Iris deserves better than all of this, I didn't understand any of this at all but I knew Iris deserved none of this. She only deserved the world. I ran out house and quickly shifted into my midnight black wolf and I ran into the forest to the sounds of growling until I was close enough to smell rogues.

There were quite a few of them, I've never seen rogues travel in such large numbers so this had to be the work of Cole.

I heard a wolf whimper and I turned to my left to see Blake's grey wolf pinned down by a rogue. Ever since Lillian was captured Blake hadn't been the same.

I know how he feels, not being around his mate, being so far away from her, scared to death of what might happen to her. I used to be in the same predicament as him so I understood.

I ran over to the wolf and knocked him off of Blake as he went flying.

'Blake go back to the pack and make sure you're not followed. You are not in the right state to fight' I ordered Blake.

He didn't fight my words he merely bowed and limped away. Out the corner of my eye I noticed the wolf charging at my so I swerved out the way. I caught it by the neck and bit down hard until it was motionless.

I advanced to the crowd taking down as many wolves as I could. Sudden I felt a pain in the back of my head and I began to feel dizzy, the forest began spinning around me.

All of a sudden the rogues began to retreat back to where they came from. My warriors howled for joy but I wasn't so sure about this victory. What made them fall back?

I walked back to the pack house with a major headache. I shifted back and grabbed a blanket we usually keep on the porch for when others shifted and had no clothes. I walked up to my room and found some clothes.

'Iris where are you?' I tried to send into her head. Except I couldn't feel her or her thoughts. I began to grow worried. I didn't know if she was doing this on purpose or not.

'Alpha do you have the Luna? 'I heard Chase's voice.

I growled at his words because she was supposed to be with him.

I stomped downstairs to the living area and notice Chase looking around nervously.

"Where is she Chase?" I growled.

"Alpha, I was told to go and protect the women and children but I don't know where the Luna is." He said nervously.

My headache began growing worse and a pain in my heart began to ache.

I grabbed at my chest as the ache began to worsen. I fell on my hands and knees as the pain became unbearable.

"Alpha are you alright?!" I heard Chase ask.

"Damien, what's going on?" I heard a voice.

I looked up to see Blake and he was a mess. If I was a mess because of Iris locked in the cell, he was 10x worse. His face was no longer cheerful and didn't have his usual smirk on it. He had huge bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for weeks. His hair was unkept and his natural blonde hair starting to grow from the roots and his face extremely pale.

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