Rogue Luna chapter 16.

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Damien's POV

I felt her grip on my back increase to the point where it deeply hurt. I looked down and noticed she was turning pale.

"Iris are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

She didn't answer. I looked into her eyes and tried looking for those beautiful green eyes. I only saw black and darkness.

"Iris my flower, what's wrong?" I asked again. 

She removed her hands from my back as they dropped straight to her side. She looked straight at me with no emotion in her face and didn't move a muscle. I noticed the veins in her face begin to show more prominent, looking bluish green against her now pale skin.

"Iris are you feeling okay? I asked as I got off of the bed. She immediately got up and began walking to the door, I ran to the door to stop her.

"Get out of my way," She said, only this didn't sound like Iris at all, it was a deep voice that seemed cold and emotionless.

I grabbed her arm.

"Come on flower don't do this to me, just tell me what's wrong. What's happening to you?" I pleaded.

She looked at me with disgust and yanked her arm away from me.

"You have no control over us and you never will," She spat coldly.

I felt myself getting annoyed, I thought we discussed this already and we got through it together.

"Iris I am your Alpha and you will-" I was cut off by Iris grabbing my throat and lifting me up into the air. I was slammed against the mirror on the wall as I felt it shatter against my skin.

"We have no Alpha and you will never control us," She said as she pressed me harder into the mirror. I felt the shattered mirror pieces digging into my back as her grip tightened and the feeling of suffocation began to consume me.

Where has this strength suddenly come from? 

'Blake I need your help,'

I called out through the mind link. I didn't what was happening but I knew this thing before wasn't Iris at all, it was something that needed to be locked away until I got my flower back.

"Yes Alpha did you call- what the fuck?!" Blake shouted as he swung the door open and instantly ran over to help. He grabbed Iris by the waist and I tried my hardest to push down those jealous thought, even though I didn't want any other male touching her she was still choking the fuck out of me.

He tugged on her waist but she elbowed him in the face and he fell down cursing. I heard footsteps approaching the door but I couldn't tell who it was because everything was becoming blurry and unfocused. I gasped out for air as I felt her release her grip from my throat and fell to the ground panting, shards of mirror now digging into my palms.

"Alpha are you alright?" I looked up to see my third in command, John. I looked and noticed a bloody Blake and Chase, a pack member trying to hold down a screaming Iris.

"What is going on?!" Danielle yelled as she came running in. When she sawIris she ran over to Chase and kicked him, causing him to let go of Iris but that's when she attacked. She bit into his arm deeply as he cried out in pain, Blake ran to try and help but he was thrown back across the room by some unknown force that none of us could see. I looked around to try and identify what just happened but there was only Iris staring at him.

But that couldn't be possible.

I looked to see Danielle being smacked by Iris so ignoring John and the shards of glass in my body I ran towards Iris and pinned her down, she started squirming and screaming under the weight of me and I realized what I had to do. 

I did the only thing that I could think of, I had to knock her out.

I grabbed her head and slammed it against the ground until I felt her body go limp under me. A surge of guilt and pain ran through me as I looked down at her now unconscious body, I hated myself for hurting her but I had to keep reminding myself that this was the only way.

"Alpha are you alright?" Blake crawled over while holding his bloody nose. 

I nodded.

"What happened here? Why did the Luna decide to go rogue?" John asked. The term rogue was normally used to describe a wolf without a pack, living in the neutral zone or when one decides to betray their pack and hurt those inside whether that be a pack member, Alpha or Luna.

"I'll explain later, right now we all need to get to the infirmary," I said as I winced.

Suddenly I remembered the glass in my back and palms. John went to grab Iris but I growled at him to back off. He backed away and went to check on Danielle who was sitting on the floor, holding her cheek while crying.

"Blake can you help Chase to the infirmary while I take Iris?" I asked. Blake nodded and went to help Chase who was trying to tend to his arm. I bent down, wincing from the pain and carried her bridal style to the infirmary, trying to avoid as many pack members as possible.

The pack doctor asked no questions and told me to place her on an infirmary bed but I shook my head.

"She needs to be somewhere safe and secure, somewhere she can be restrained," 

She nodded her head. "We have a place where we hold prisoners. She led me to a door on a wall and opened it, where was only a bed and a heart monitor so I gently placed her on the bed.

John soon entered the room.

"John I need you to go get silver chains from the cells," I ordered. He nodded his head and walked out.

The doctor began working on my back, picking out the glass as I sat there wanting to cry out in pain but deciding against it since I was the Alpha.

"Alpha your back is going to need about a week to heal, try not to use up too much energy," The doctor said as she left to check on the others.

I wasn't bothered by it because I was too wrapped up with the thoughts in my head of what just happened.

After I marked her she went cold and berserk and I'm honestly not sure why. What made her turn so cruel and dark? Was there something in her past that she wasn't telling me about?


This chapter has been edited

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