Rogue Luna chapter 32.

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He did it. He killed the person who has always loved me even when I didn't love them.

I watched as he made three shots. Two in the chest one in the head.

Lillian was dead.

It was like she was falling in slow motion, the whole world stopped around her. I wanted to catch her but I was trapped. Darkness consumed me but for once I could finally see what I did when I turned into the monster.

I let out a ear splitting scream making everyone cover their ears in pain. I broke the silver chains off my arms and then my legs. Silver no longer affects me as it once did.

I felt my eyes grow dark and the symbols on my back. My hair grew longer but instead of black with white streaks it turned all black.

I took a step but landed on air. I felt power rushing through my veins, I wanted to fulfill wanted I wanted to do earlier.

I want to kill everyone in this fucking room.

"How is this possible, she was not the controller he's the controller." Cole said pointing the gun at Damien.

I raised my hand and then Cole's hands began moving, pointing the gun towards one of his guards.

"Luna do not do this, you are under my control," Cole said angrily.

I smirked. "No one controls me," I said darkly.

I twitched my finger and the bullet went flying straight into the guards chest.

I looked at Cole and raised both of my hands, he raised in the air with fear plastered upon his face. I threw him onto the table I was previously on and wrapped the chains around him. I watched him scream in pain as the silver wrapped around his skin.

I could control things with my mind, I could manipulate things with just a flick of the wrist, no one controlled me. This was the power I was destined to have.

I rose myself up in the air so everyone could see me and tremble before me.

"You all deserve painful deaths for voluntarily watching this disgusting ritual and it shall be by my hands," I boomed.

People began to scream and run out the doors. Some managed to escape but most didn't as I waved my hands, closing the doors.

I rose some people in the air and began throwing them around. I wrapped ropes and chains around people and began squeezing the life out of them. I lit a fire and began burning people to death, watching their life leave before them.

I was losing myself, the darkness inside of me was enjoying this which made me enjoy this even more. Watching this much death and destruction numbed me from Lillian's death, from everything. 

"Iris my flower please stop!" I heard a cry from below.

I looked down and noticed Damien looking at me with fear in his eyes. Feeling began to rush through me, true feelings as if I felt the mate pull, But where was it before?

I lowered myself down to him.

He cupped my cheek in his hand.

"Iris please stop this is not you, you have to control that thing inside of you and don't let it break you. Let these people go" He said.

I instantly calmed down. This was not me doing this. It was the darkness wanting to be free and take over. I flicked my wrist and everything stopped. The remaining survivors ran out the doors.

I heard chains drop behind me and cracking bones. I looked behind me and noticed Cole was shifting and he was free.

"NOOOO!" Damien and I screamed simultaneously.

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