Rogue Luna chapter 30.

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"Inject her with the wolfsbane,"

"She's alive right?"

"Of course I couldn't kill her, I mean she is my daughter in law after all,"

"Cole will be very pleased with you."

I woke up in darkness. I looked around wildly for some sort of light. I saw none so I did the only thing I could think of.

I screamed. I screamed for someone to let me out or for someone to show me the light.

I heard a door open so I looked up. There was a man holding a lamp grinning at me. The same man who holds my mother's scar, the same one who killed my parents and the same one who captured my sister.

I tried to get up but I was held down by chains.

"Ah good you're awake," He smiled.

I just glared at him, if looks could kill then all my problems would be solved.

"Oh Iris my dear, how have you been? It's been so long," He looked at me with such a loving look it was almost sickening.

"Where is my sister?" I spat.

"Now now Iris that isn't nice, I'm already being nice to you by letting you keep your pups, we wouldn't want something to happen to them now would we?" He pulled out a silver dagger from behind his back and smiled.

I froze in horror, he wouldn't dare hurt my children.

"Now I know it's been 2 weeks but that doesn't mean act nasty towards me,"

I looked at him with horror, unable to comprehend correctly what he was saying.

"I've been out for two weeks?!" I shouted.

He nodded. "Yes, wolfsbane does amazing things to our bodies,".

I whimpered at the sound of my heart breaking, I've been away from Damien for almost two weeks, two weeks of stress and worrying for him, worried I could be dead or his pups could be dead.

"Now now dear don't whine, I am the only mate you will ever need, after I kill yours you will need a new one and I will be there to happily take over," Cole gestured to himself.

"WHAT?!" I roared.

"Surely you heard the prophecy? The controller must die, your other half and of course your mate is your other half, the one who calms you and understands you," He said as if I were slow.

Furious doesn't begin to explain how angry I was. No one goes after my mate, I couldn't allow for him to take me away from another family of mine. I couldn't do anything to stop him the first time but I refuse to be on standby as he attempts to take away my second family.

Y'es let your anger rise,'

I felt surge of anger flow through my body. There was a slight burning sensation in my back as I turned to see a glowing light under my clothes from the mysterious symbols on my back. I felt the darkness begin to push me aside, taking over my entire body.

I strained against the silver chains which were no longer affecting me, I didn't feel the burning sensation against my skin anymore. One broke off my wrist and next thing I knew Cole plunged the knife into my right bicep and I screamed out in pain. This was pain beyond pain. Something I've never experienced before in my entire life.

Silver never gave me this kind of pain, this was something entirely different.

He pulled it as I felt warm blood oozing out of my arm.

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