finally reached my hometown

9 2 9

Y/N's P. O. V

I opened my eyes, feeling good after the long nap, realizing an arm wrapped around my left shoulder. As I tried to lift my head, my head bumped with someone's jaw, and that someone was Taehyung Oppa.



We both screamed due to pain, at the  same time. I rupped my head with my hand.

"I'm extremely sorry." I bowed my head, sitting straight not even turning my head at him due to embarrassment.

"Itss okayy." He said.

The f ck-?! I just realized that I was sleeping on his shoulder. That means I was sleeping on his shoulder.

"Omgggg!!" I thought as my cheecks tinted into red.

My face became something like this "○♡~♡○"

"Wait Y/N, don't be so melted after all you left him years ago." My conscience spoke to me.

Afff I f ckin hate my mind.

"But what time is it?" I murmured to myself and checked my watch, "Ahh its only 3:08 am."

"It probably takes 11 hours from Paris to Seoul." He told me.

"Yess." I nodded at him.

"I'm no more sleepy." He pouted.

To be honest, his sudden pout made me chuckle.

He's the cutest.

"Why you chuckling?" He asked with a confused face.

"Haha nothing just like that." His confused face was cuter and I laughed even more, covering my mouth with my palm.

"Ohh!" He scratched the back of his head, with a confused look.

The other passengers were all either sleeping or scrolling through their phones, some were even reading books.

It was very quiet there. I stared outside from the window and watched the clouds looking more beautiful in the night sky. I made vidoes of the clouds.

After that, me and Oppa talked a lot about random topics, clicked many selfies of us. Honestly I never travelled so far alone with a boy before this. All together it was an amazing experience.


11:20 am.
Incheon Airport, Seoul, South Korea.

Taehyung's P. O. V

At last we reached Seoul after waiting a lot. We got out from the plane and went to pick our luggages, then headed for the enquiries and formalities.

"Finally done everything." Y/N signed.

"Yess finally." I smiled her.

Her face was looking so bright due to overwhelmed happines and excitement. She was jumping here and there at the airport.

I pulled her by her arm and said, "Don't jump here and hold your excitements. Lets first get out from the airport."

She cutely chuckled at me and said, "But I can't hold on. After so many years, I came back to my country. I'm so happy. I feel like crying due to joy.".

She almost teared up while saying the last sentence. I immediately hugged her and said, "Don't cry." I patted her head and let her go from my grip.

We exited from the airport and now walking with our luggage at the road, trying to catch taxi or cabs.

Y/N was looking here and there and said, "Nothing has changed in this 5 years. Everything looks the same. I'm feeling like I came back to my past and I'm still 18 years old."

I smiled at her words.

"Ain't you tired by the journey." I asked her.

She replied, "Due to my excitement I forgot about my weariness."

We both laughed at her words.

While she was laughing, I was analysing her pretty face. Her eye smile, chuckle everything so beautiful and pure.

Then we got a taxi. With our luggages, we made our seat at the back seat. Y/N watched outside the window, her hair flowing with the wind.

Her excitement is making my heart beat very fast.

She is so innocent with a pure soul and a heart bigger than the universe. Whenever I think about what I did with her years ago, I really feel very much guilty. But Y/N helped me to erase my guilt. She never ever blamed me for my guilty deeds with her. She is really important to me. She made me realize what is the actual meaning of love, what is the meaning of loving someone. When she loved me like hell, I negleted her, hurt her, ignored her. Everything I did with her was a sin, and I'm a sinner. Even after knowing everything Y/N never made me feel like a sinner, I should've been very much proud that a girl like Y/N loved me with her whole heart. Even though I know that when I'll confess her, she might hate me or might break friendship with me but I'll really accept every behaviour of her since I've done a sin and I must pay back for my sin.

"Sorry Y/N." I said out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" She asked with widen eyes.

"For everything." I faint smiled at her.


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