curiosity of knowing him

72 12 3

Present day 4th February, 2020

"Yahhh! I need seven more shots!" Y/N slammed the counter, making Mark, the bar tender startle.

"But Y/N you're already half drunk." Mark added.

"You're t-the bar t-tender and you're bound to-o obey y-your customers." Y/N shouted almost in a half drunk voice, "I'm not yet drunk. I s-still have my senses-s."

"Okay fine, I know I'm the bar tender but it's been a year now that I know you. You always get drunk in the end and I have to take your responsibility." Mark rolled his eyes while preparing 7 more shots for Y/N

"Why seven shots? Why not ten or five? What's so special about seven?" An unknown voice caught attention of both Y/N and Mark.

"Welcome Sir! Please have a seat." Mark did his so called formality, well not formality but his job.

"Thank you." The unknown figure headed towards the counter and had a seat next to Y/N, i.e. beside Y/N.

Y/N stared at that unknown figure. Her eyes were getting slightly blurry due to the power of alcohol yet she wasn't fully drunk. A drunk yet stupid smile crept on Y/N's face and she pointed her index finger at that unknown figure, who out of nowhere asked Y/N a strange question.

"You ? You're the one who asked me that question right? Well why should I answer?!" Y/N pointed her index finger at that unknown guy and tried to look cool while answering yet questioning at the same time to that guy but she sounded stupid due to her drunk facial expressions and that half drunk accent of her.

Mark focused at the both of em and enjoyed their conversations as if he was watching a mysterious movie.

"Geez! Still that silly." That unknown guy smirked.

"Fine. Let me tell you then why i ordered seven shots instead of ten or five. It's because seven is a lucky number. You know, rainbows have seven colours, even in this world, two persons are fated for seven lives; two persons are destined for seven lives if they have fate." Y/N's eyes got lost at the sight of the dim lights while answering such a mysterious and strange question and a pure smile crept automatically on her face. Her expressions made her seem like she's a great believer of FATE & DESTINY.

"Fate? Well seems like you are drunk. Don't put so much effort at thinking bout fate." The guy said when he saw Y/N drinking rest of the shots.

Y/N furrowed her left brow since that voice seemed familiar to her. She looked at that guy trying to recognise him as if she knew him. That accent of speaking; that deep, husky voice; that sight of his body made her feel that he's very familiar to her. An air of tension surrounded Y/N. She had an awkward feeling in her stomach. Her heart was aching as if it was trying to signal her something.

"You k-know m-me rig-ght? I know-w you-u right?"

Y/N kept leaning towards him with hundreds of questions which were visible on her sweaty face. Her visions got blurry. She widened her eyes to make her visions clear but failed since it was too late, the strong alcohol made her weak and her eyes were all blurry now. Before realising anything she fainted.



Hi dear readers. Its my first ff which I'm publishing in this account.

Hope you all will enjoy this ff. Stay tuned. New chapters will come soon. Do leave votes and comments as it will encourage me😊 thank you for reading this ff. And also forgive me for the grammatical errors.

Ttaeggukmin 💕

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