getting them back again <3

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Y/N's P. O. V

"Round face, hooded eyes, sharp nose, tanned skin, wavy hear. Who is that lady, why do I feel that I know her. Now I got it why you seemed so familiar that day at that cafe" I said with wide eyes.

"By any chance are you y/n?" That lady spoke with a shocked expression as well.

"Do you people know each other?" Taehyung Oppa asked out of curiosity and confusion.

I was so shocked that I couldn't even notice any other thing except her, and the lady with her is also so familiar.

"Yes I'm Y/n. Don't tell me that you are-" before I could finish, she hugged me so tightly.

"Yes y/n its me, its your Eonji." She stated happily while hugging me.

Everything happened so suddenly that I couldn't even process.

She's Eonji?  My Eonji? How can I believe?

I hugged her back and said, you're really Eonji?" With tears forming in my eyes.

"Yes I am your Eonji." She sobbed.

With the corner of my eyes, I saw the other lady covering her mouth with her palm due to shock.

We pulled back and looked at each other's face with tears of joy and exteme happy smile on our face.

Suddenly the other lady came and hugged me too. At first I got startle but then she said, "Bitch you forgot me huh?? You remembered Eonji but forgot me?"

Her voice seemed familiar and the way shes talking


"Sohee? Are you-"

She cut me off, "Wow so at least you remembered my name?!"

My excitement,  happiness overloaded. I couldn't even speak. I remained quiet and let my happy tears express my emotion.

Finally we pulled back.

"Bitch you left Seoul without even informing me and didn't even contact me for once!!" Eonji yelled at me.

"I thought you died there." Sohee rolled her eyes at me.

I chuckled at both of them.

"You shit!! How dare you laugh huh??? Do you f cking know how much we missed you every second? How much we both cried for you and you laighing here huh?????!!!!!!!" She shouted at me with anger and love at the same time.

"No no Eonji let me explain please wait-"

"No we don't want to listen anything you go to hell. Bye we don't know you!!" Sohee blurted, hold Eonji's arms and was about to go.

"Yahh please give me a chance to explain, please!!!!" I went infront of them to block their way and requested to let me explain.

Sohee rolled her eyes due to anger while Eonji nodded, signaling that she'll listen.

"Wait who is this boy?? Your boyfriend? Wow he's handsome!!" Eonji whispered in my ear.

"No he's not my boyfriend and you know him very well, he's Taehyung Oppa." I whispered back.

"WHAAATTT!!!!! HE'S TAEHYUNG OPPA?????  OHH MYY GAWDD!!!" Eonji shouted so loud that everyone's attention was on her.

Aff this girl!!!!

I rolled my eyes due to embarrassment while Sohee was giving a 'what the f ck is going on' look.

"You know me?" Taehyung Oppa asked her.

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