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I've been in love before but none of them were my love at first sight.

"Woh did he just smile at you?!" Eonji exclaimed.

"Cmon don't be like this." I told Eonji just as I broke my eye contact with him and ran to the other side of the field so that couldn't notice me anymore and hid myself behind the trees.

I saw Eonji making her way towards Taehyung Oppa.

"What the f ck is she tryna do?" I cursed.

"Taehyung Oppa do you know anyone by the name Y/N?" I heard Eonji asking Taehyung Oppa.

"Whyy just why is she shitting there?! Taehyung Oppa must be thinking me as a stalker. Ohh nooo! What am I supposed to do noww?! This cant beee! ! This Eonji is dead today !" I panicked.

From behind the trees, I heard their conversation.

"How do you know my name?"

"I-i umm, because umm., well yes, hahaha, its because see how handsome you are, that's why you are very popular. So I know your name." Eonji tried to act smart but she sounded exactly silly.

"Ahh I see!" He scratched his neck.

"Ahhhaaaaaa so cute!!" I blushed from behind the trees.

"So now answer me do you know anyone by the name Y/N?" Eonji again asked.

I tried to focus at them. I wanna hear what he answers. Lets see

"Ohh the girl who sits behind me during our exams? Yes I know her." He smiled.

"Wait whatt ?! Did he just say that he knows me?! Wait am I hearing properly?" My heart beated so fast.

"Okayy thank you Oppa." Eonji left that place and started finding me.

"Here, I'm here" I waved at her from behind the trees.

She quickly ran towards me and hold my hands. Both of we jumped out of happiness.

"But waittt! Why are you so happy?! I'm theone to jump and scream!"

"Cmon, I'm your one and only friend. How can you say this. At least thank me. And I'm happy cause he's hella handsome and that he noticed you plus knows your name and even he smiled."

"Seems like your the one who made a crush at him."

"Cmon I wont talk to you."

"Okay okay Eonji I'm sorry."

"Fine lets go home now."

Days passed by, my feelings for him grew deeper. He used to smile at me while interactions. Eoji told me that he seems to have interest at me. I felt the same. Every time I see him, I feel very much loved. The moment feels sweeter tgan honey. Everything is so beautiful.

Last Day Of Exam (15/02/2010)

So finally the last day of exam appeared. I felt very much sad cause after our exam we would have a vacation and again new session would start from 1st April. The f ck I won't be able to see him for 1 and a half months. Can y'all feel the pain?!


"What? You're sure? You should think once." Eonji almost screamed

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll confess him today only. Maybe I won't get the chance to confess later." I spoke in a motivated voice.

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