is there no one to make me warm?

21 7 1

Y/N's P.O.V

Whatever! Life contains ups and down.

I got up from my bed, wiped the tear with my hand and headed to the kitchen. Felt nostalgic after reminding all the flashbacks, few minutes ago. Month of February. Kinda cool whether, thought of making coffee for me.

With my coffee mug, filled with warm black coffe, I headed to my balcony and sat on the couch. I actually love the view from my balcony. I was wearing a hoodie but still the cold breezes brought shiver to my body. I don't know why after reminding my flashbacks I started feeling good, not exactly good but nostalgic at the same time. I miss Seoul, my friend Eonji, and my FAMILY, I have no contact with any of them, since I left Seoul. Sometimes life feels hard alone but I must say it gives peace at the same time.

My whole body got warm after having a sip of my homemade beverage. I'm a great cook, I must admire. Hahaha!!

No doubt that I'm feeling really low. Whenever I feel down I try to crack funny jokes to make myself laugh but actually it hurts more, is exactly how I'm feeling now.

I really needed someone right now; someone who would listen all my pains and would be willing to get the share of my pain; someone who would make my cold days and nights warm by holding me tightly; someone who would understand me. All I needed was someone who would make me complete.


Taehyung's P.O.V

"Seven is a lucky number. You know, rainbows have seven colours, even in this world, two persons are fated for seven lives; two persons are destined for seven lives if they have fate."

Those words of Y/N kept echoing in my mind, but why?? What is really so special about seven?? Wait- as much as I remember, I changed school in 2013, and now its 2020. After seven years I again met Y/N. Do we really have FATE?!

But why after so many years? After about 10 years, yes 10 years ago Y/N confessed. After 10 years why I'm feeling like this. I should've felt like this before, but this exact feeling is unknown. A weird feeling. Why my mind is sayin me that I should've felt like this earlier.

I really feel bad for what I did with Y/N. How can I hurt someone like this?? That ex of mine, aishhh what's her name? Yeah Daeyun, she was a slut and I wasted my time loving her. Instead of loving her, I should've loved Y/N. But why am I regreting now?

All this years I couldn't forget Y/N, nor I missed her, nor my mind reminded me of her but that day after meeting her at the bar, why am I feeling weird this days as well as bad for her.

Ughhh! Why am I getting stressed all of a sudden?!

Wait I have her number right?! Should i call her?!
Wait no it must be very clingy.
Lemme text her, it will be best.


She haven't seen my texts yet. Ughh I cant wait, I really wanna talk with her now. I'm gonna call her.

Y/N's P.O.V

After releasing all my stresses, I was feeling a bit good but I really needed someone very badly. I wanted to talk with someone badly. The night view from my balcony is vert aesthetic. Somewhere in the view, I got lost when suddenly my phone rang causing myself choke on my coffee.

Shit who is it at this hour?!

Wait-what?! "TAEHYUNG OPPA"

Should I pick up. Wtf is wrong with my heart, why is it jumping like a monkey?? Ughhh there's nothing to not pick up. I should pick up and act cold since I'm no more the old Y/N.

Hey Y/N! What are you doing?

I umm I'm doing n-nothing.
(Shit why did I stutter?)

You're still the same. Hahaha. I like it.

I don't like it anyways.

Huh? Don't get you.

No need to.

Ahh! When did you become so cold huh? Hahaha!

Since I'm no more the old Y/F/N. Plus I don't find it funny, so stop laughing.

Seems like Y/N is still angry at me!!
(In a teasing voice)

("......" means no reply)
Inside thought: why the heck am I even talking politely with him, after what he did with me years ago😠)

We met again after 7 years, so have many talks with you.

What kind of talks do you have with me??

When are you free tomorrow?? I guess you have your office, so when it gets over??

Umm my work gets over at 6:30, but why are you asking?

Tomorrow meet with me at 7:30, venue: xxxxx cafe.

Wait really? You wanna meet me. Umm okay then, I'll try to come.

What do you mean by "I'll try to come"? You have to come and that's final.

But umm wait I-


Ughh he hanged the phone. Wait he even texted me. My phone was in silent mode thats why I couldn't hear. Tomorrow I'll meet him. Yeahhhhhhhhh- but wait! Why am I being so happy all of a sudden?! No No Y/N you can't fall for him again. You just can't.

I really needed someone right now and I'm feeling good after talking with him. He called me at right time. Why am I feeling so good?!

He said we have many things to tell me, he even remembers that we met after 7 years. Why is number 7 so much involved with us??

What is so special about the number 7?? Is something special is gonna happen after 7 whole years??

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