this can't be true right?!

41 10 2

Y/N's P.O.V

"Ughh!! My head hurts, it's throbbing. I shouldn't have drunk that much." I cursed myself.

"See I told you! I told you not to drink this much. Every time you get drunk like this and I have to take care of you." Marks complained.

I bit my lower lip while having the flashback.


I ended up getting drunk and slept here all night by sitting and resting my head on the counter of the bar. Mark couldn't close the bar because of me and accompanied me by staying in the bar all night.

***End of Flashback***

"Yaah! Y/N, for you I couldn't close the bar and had to stay here all night with you." Mark complained.

"Come on Mark. See I'm a frequent customer of your bar so sometimes you owners have to treat your customers well and also you and I have a friendly relation so you need to treat me in a special way and also what's the problem for keeping the bar open all night? You're only the owner here so who will report?!" I tried to sound sweet kinda oiling Mark to not get mad at me.

I know Mark since more than 1 year. For the first time when I visited his bar, he tried to flirt me. Lmao! But now we are like friends since I'm a frequent customer of his bar and he treats me well. Sometimes I don't even need to pay. Lol. And that's why I always try to keep a good relation with him **i know I'm smart** he's really a good and good looking boy and so i trust him.

"Okay! I understand but that's not the problem Y/N. You know the public polices often report the bars if they are open all night. So i don't wanna get arrested because of you, understood?!" Mark said this almost in a scary tone.

"Okay okay sorry! This won't be repeated. Happy now? " i added.

He simply nodded his head as yes.

"Btw what's the time bro? I have to go for my job or else I'll be fired." I asked him.

"Its 6:45 a.m." he replied.

"Wtf?! I have to go to my office at 7:45 a.m. or else they will fire me." I said while grabbing my purse and ran towards the gate for exit.

"Aish this girl!" Before exiting i heard him chuckle.

I reached the bus stop waiting for the bus. Suddenly something popped up in my mind. It was a dream, last night's dream.

"Shit man I had a really strange dream. I dreamt of him? Was that he? But how can i dream of him? After so many years, I dreamt of him? Yes him, I clearly remember that i dreamt of him---" the bus came and interrupted my thought. I got inside the bus. I checked my watch it was 6:51a.m. shit man! I'll get late today. But I was feeling very dizzy and my head and forehead were throbbing like hell. I took some hangover pills but they were unable to cure me. My hair was a mess and I got eye bags. But it's okay since i really looked ill so I can easily give some excuses of being ill to my boss. My boss is a kind person so he'll surely excuse me.


"It's really hard to work with this health. I feel like slamming my head and forehead with a hammer. I swear I'll never get drunk again. What else could I do, I give my inner self relief by getting drunk. At least when i get drunk I at least could stay happily, that very moment I forget everything and everyone. I could forget my pain, my past and evrything. Whenever i couldn't withstand anymore, I either get drunk or cut my hand with blades and feel really satisfied when i see those blood rushing down my hand. " A tear slightly rolled down my cheeks while thinking about all these.

"But wait! Last night's dream? He appeared, yes he appeared in my dream. Was that really a dream or he really came in that bar? Wtf! How will he come? He probably would have forgot me! Why do I always imagine SHITS? But one thing, I'll never forget how I met him and how everything happened. I guess I still miss you Kim Taeh--"

"Y/N. You don't need to work today. It's 3:50 p.m. now and you can leave the office. You seem to be very much ill. Go home and take some rest. And here take some hangover pills. These pills are very effective. You may get some relief" My boss came midway and interrupted my thoughts.

"Thank you so much sir. It will not be repeated next time onwards, I promise." I bowed to him.

"Okay okay. Don't worry I wont fire you since I'm not that cruel. Hahaha" he laughed.

I smiled back and thanked him once again for the pills and headed outside with my belongings.

My boss is really a kind human. I've been working here since 1 and a half years. Yes I'm a fashion designer, do not own any company but I'm a employee at "HOURGLASS APPAREL" company. My boss is the owner of the company. HOURGLASS APPAREL is one of the most famous fashion designing companies in Paris.

I walked through the the streets and intended to go at Prankis Park. That's the park where I always go when I stay in a doomed mood. I felt a little better after taking the pills. They were really very effective.

I kept walking lifelessly as my mind was full of last night's dream. When suddenly I bumped with someone. I didn't even bother to look at the person's face and sat on my knees to collect our belongings which fell down due to the suddent bump. I was done picking them but felt that the human is standing still since i saw his legs got fixed in his tracks. I was still on my knees while holding my bag and his files and moved my head upwards to see the person and my eyes got widened to see who he was.

I had a shocking expression, "Am I hallucinating? Yes I must be hallucinating due to last night's dream. This can't be true. Those deep eyes, tall legs, silky hair with bangs, tanned face, that same smirk. It's him, Kim Taehyung."

My hands automatically dropped those files of his and i got up due to the sudden shock which i got. I couldn't believe my eyes. Its him its Kim Taehyung. I faced backwards and ran till I reached the park. Before disappearing from his sight, i heard him saying, "Nice to meet you again."



Hey honies, how was the chapter? Do inform me in the comment section. I need to know. Actually I'm not from Paris so I don't know much bout the place. But I really love Paris and heard that Paris is the most beautiful place in the worls. So i thought of making this fanfiction in this place. And that 'PRANKIS PARK' that's a fictional name. I dont think any such named park exists there😂.
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Love ya all.

Byee ♡
Ttaeggukmin 💕

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