she is beautiful

22 7 0

Taehyung's P.O.V

I turned my head towards Y/N and saw how innocently she kept staring at both the kids and their mother, slowly disappearing from our eye sight; with the purest smile on her face. The sun kissed her face which made her look brighter than ever, her hair dancing slowly with the rhythm of the afternoon breeze, with her eyes shining brightly like the sunshine. It didn't take her too much time to take me away from reality.

I couldn't realise that I was smiling at her sight, unless she turned back at me and felt like our eyes locked each other.

Little hesitation broke our eye contact and I came back to reality.

"Umm I-i should get going now." She said as she turned around and was about to go, but i hold her hands and pulled her gently maintaining enough distance between us.

At this point, I felt my heart beating not like usual, when her shocked face looked at me.

I immediately left her hand and tried to start a conversation in order to ruin the awkward atmosphere, "What are you doing in Paris?"

"I'm settled in Paris due to my career. Well I guess you have visited Paris to admire its beauty. So for how many day you're staying here? Have you came alone or wi--" I cut her before she could finish her words.

"Not a Paris tour. I came here 1 week ago because I got selected for a job and now I'll be settled here since I've been selected as a permanent employer by my boss. " I said.

"Ahh means you're gonna stay in Paris permanently? " she aaked and widened her eyes.

"Yes, why? Are you not happy? Well I mean you don't want me to be here?" I asked with curiosity.

"No no I-i didn't m-mean it. Umm- I just simply asked." She faked a smile.

"Okay see you some other day." I bid her my farewell and turned backwards to go away.

"Taehyung Oppa wait!!" Y/N shouted and tightly gripped my right arm with her hand.

***since Taehyung is older than Y/N that's why Y/N called him oppa (older brother) Y/N didn't mean to call him in a cheesy or lovey dovey way***

After so many years I heard her calling me 'Taehyung Oppa'. This thought made me happy.

I turned towards her and looked at each other's eyes for few minutes. This time Y/N broke the eye contact and spoke with a serious face, "What happened last night, at the bar?"

I started answering:


11:56 P.M.

Its been a while since I last drank. I decided to go at a bar and got inside my car and drove to a nearby bar. As I entered, I saw people enjoying their drinks. Suddenly someone's voice caught my attention.

"Yahhh! I need seven more shots!" A girl slammed the counter, making the bar tender startle.

"But Y/N you're already half drunk." The bar tender added.

So her name is Y/N. Is she that Y/N? The Y/N whom i met at school? My school life's Y/N?

I couldn't see her face properly as she was sitting at the chair facing her back towards me. She seemed to be half drunk.

"You're t-the bar t-tender and you're bound to-o obey y-your customers." That Y/N named girl shouted almost in a half drunk voice, "I'm not yet drunk. I s-still have my senses-s."

"Okay fine, I know I'm the bar tender but it's been a year now that I know you. You always get drunk in the end and I have to take your responsibility." The bar tender rolled his eyes while preparing 7 more shots for Y/N

"Ahh so they know each other. The bar tender and that Y/N named girl seem to know each other since 1 year. Ineteresting." I thought as I smirked.

"Why seven shots? Why not ten or five? What's so special about seven?" I spoke while making my way towards them, catching both of there attention.

"Welcome Sir! Please have a seat." The bar tender greeted me.

"Thank you." I did my formality and sat beside Y/N.

Those same eyes, long hair, plumpy lips, tanned face, I can surely say it's that Y/N.

"You ? You're the one who asked me that question right? Well why should I answer?!" Y/N pointed her index finger at me and tried to look cool while answering yet questioning at the same time to me but she sounded stupid due to her drunk facial expressions and that half drunk accent of her.

The bar tender focused at the both of us and enjoyed our conversations as if he was watching a mysterious movie.

"Geez! Still that silly." I smirked at her silliness.

"Fine. Let me tell you then why i ordered seven shots instead of ten or five. It's because seven is a lucky number. You know, rainbows have seven colours, even in this world, two persons are fated for seven lives; two persons are destined for seven lives if they have fate." Y/N's eyes got lost at the sight of the dim lights while answering and a pure smile crept automatically on her face. Her expressions made her seem like she's a great believer of FATE & DESTINY.

"Fate? Well seems like you are drunk. Don't put so much effort at thinking bout fate." I said when I saw Y/N drinking rest of the shots.

Y/N furrowed her left brow at me. She looked at me as if she was trying to recognise me.

"You k-know m-me rig-ght? I know-w you-u right?" she couldn't talk properly.

Y/N kept leaning towards me with hundreds of questions which were visible on her sweaty face. She widened her eyes and tried to focus at me. Suddenly she fainted.

"Ughh! She fainted." I said while looking at the bar tender.

"Don't worry sir! Its nothing new. She always end up being drunk and I have to look after her." The bar tender said.

I got up from my chair and decided to go back home. And without even drinking, I drove back to my house.


FATE   -k.thOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora