urge of protecting her

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I hold her hand and rougly dragged her from outside the cafe.

I let her hand go from my grip which I was holding very fiercely, few minutes ago.

Same expressionless face. Same expressionless face, the one she gave me when she found out me, holding hands with Daeyun at the school canteen, 10 years ago.

Flashbacks came to my mind and attacked my heart very badly. Guilt was eating me. Eating me so badly.

She kept staring at me with her red teary eyes, red cheeks and nose, with million of tears flowing down from her eyes. I never actually realised tgat her eyes are the most beautiful.

Her eyes are like a deep forest, where I'm getting lost.

"I'm sorry for misbehaving at the cafe." I spoke softly looking down, having hesitations but I didn't know what was the reason of the sudden hesitations.

She didn't spoke anything, not a single word. Her silent existence was making my heart to pound.

"Come, I'll drop you at your house" I said and gently hold her hands. Her hands are so big but not bigger than me.

I pulled her gently with me but she didn't move. She kept standing still as if her feets got glued with the road.

Tears kept flowing. She looks prettier when she cries silently without any expressions, her blank crying face is incredible.

I couldn't see her tears anymore, they were hurting me more. I dont know why but she seemed very lonely. I wanted to give her a warm hug, I just wanted to give her all sorts of comfort. This urge of protecting her popped in myself out of no where.

I simply hugged her. I hugged her tightly. She kept her head on my chest and cried, this time she didn't cry silently. I felt so bad, how badly she was crying. Her right han resting on my chest while her other hand wrapped around me. I wrapped both my arms around her back and even pulled her closer. I heart was behaving different. To be very honest I never felt like this. A completely unknown feeling but I felt good. I wanted to feel like this. This feeling was great and sweet.

Cold drops of rain made us wet, it started raining. We both stayed hugging each other while the rain poured down to us making us completely wet. The cold breezes kept hiting us.

We pulled apart from each other. I hold her hand and pulled her gently with me inside my car. We were fully soaked up by the rain. Fortunately I had a coat inside my car. I took the coat and wrapped it around Y/N. She was shivering due to cold. I started driving. She set her locationon my phone. I drove just as my phone's google location directed me.

She didn't talk a single word nor I did. My eyes were glued with the road.

Finally we reached her house. I stopped the car, got out and opened the car's door for her. She got out. I was about to go but she interrupted, "Taehyung Oppa, your coat."

She said while holding the coat with her hands. I took them, got inside the car and drove away from her house.

While I was making my way to home, I couldn't stop thinking bout her. What has changed only in 3 days?? I met her on 4th February and today is 6th February. How can she change feelings only in 3 days? Does she knows magic?? What has happened to me? Like how can she change me so much?

Am I falling for her?

Y/N's P. O. V

"Taehyung Oppa, your coat." After getting down from his car, I called him to return his coat.

He took the coat without saying anything, nor making eye contact with me. He got inside his car. I kept standing there until he drove away and disappeared.

The raindrops poured down and the cool breezes didn't failed to bring down shivers in my body.


"I hope I wont get sick." I told while getting out of my washroom, after taking a warm shower.

I threw my towel at the bed and layed down on my bed.

Taehyung Oppa hugged me.


My cheeks got red at this thought and I facepalmed.

I shouldn't have behaved like this, but what else could I do?? He doesn't know how much I used to love him. Even after he left school, I couldn't leave him. How badly I missed, he just has no idea. But today why did I cry and react? I shouldn't have since I left him but why my heart still behavesas if it still loves him. But I have many things to ask him, I need to know everything, I need to know why he wanted to date me when he used to love someone else, I need to know.

He never used to take anything seriously. Never. He used to be very immature. He didn't even know what was the actual meaning of love. He never wanted to realize what is love, nor he ever wanted to realise how much actually I loved him. He never even wanted to see my love towards him.

I had fallen for many boys back in those days but none were like Taehyung Oppa. I just cant erase my memories of Taehyung Oppa, but why? After Taehyung Oppa, I never loved any other boys, but why??

Does my heart, deep inside, still waits for Kim Taehyung Oppa??

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