Chapter 17

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I woke up in a dark room. The sky showed me that it was still the middle of the night so I reached for the nearest thing to me, the desk, and pulled myself up. My legs were shaky and I was barely stable as I slowly made my way into the kitchen. Thankfully, Cody was no where to be seen. He'd managed to mess up the place though, things were smashed and furniture was turned over.

I went into the kitchen and checked the time on the cooker. 2:15am. Now what? This place felt far from safe and I was terrified that Cody may come back at any second and decide he wasn't finished with me. I mean, he put Jason in hospital so he could hospitalize me too, right? Or worse..

Without knowing what else to do, I grabbed my things and left the apartment. Making sure I was on my guard, I wondered along the streets watching as the cars went past. Every car that were to slow down caused my heart to stop for a second. I'm not going to lie to you, I was unbelievably frightened of absolutely every noise and every person.

Around three quarters of an hour later, I turned up outside my house. I stood for a few moments, not knowing which house to go into. Do I go to my house and pretend I'm okay? Or do I tell Sam what happened? Or do I tell Dad? No way, Dad will kill him. So will James. Do I go and tell Angie what happened? Or just go and get into Alli's bed?

With a huge sigh I walked up to the door and knocked on it, loud enough to wake at least someone up. It took a while but eventually the door opened. Brad gave me a questioning look as he opened the door for me. "I'm sorry." I felt myself starting to cry again. "What's happened? Weren't you supposed to be at Cody's?" He asked. Tears started to fall as I nodded my head.

Brad came out and hugged me tightly as I cried into him. "What's happened, Iz? Why do you have a bruise on your face?" He pulled away from the hug to look at me. "Is Angie in?" I sniffed. "Come on in, sweetie." He lead me in. I followed and stood awkwardly as I looked around. "There's nothing to be scared of, Iz." He laughed softly.

"Go make yourself a hot drink and I'll send Angie down." Brad kissed my forehead and then went upstairs. I wondered into the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine. The loud noise caused me to jump and my hands started to get shaky. "Do you know what time it is?" Angie's voice made me drop the mug that was in my hand.

"I'm sorry, Angie." I mumbled and started tidying my mess. "What's going on? Why are you shaking like that?" "Cody and I.. We had a fight and he.. I did something bad and he.." I trailed off as tears came flooding back. "Izzy," Angie came closer to me and took my hands in hers.

"Sweetie, what happened?" "It started off and he just threw his phone, I think it was to scare me so that I'd listen to him. But then as he was shouting he started pushing me. I was begging him to stop, I was so scared but he wouldn't stop. He just got rougher and rougher and he was saying mean things to me too. I tried to get away but he pulled me back and hurt my arm and slapped my face and then I managed to get away and went into the bedroom. He followed and pulled me closer to him and I hit myself of the desk and he grabbed my face and was saying more mean things and then he threw me down on the floor and threw stuff at me. It hurt and it still hurts now." I cried.

"Izzy.." She gasped while holding me in her arms. "He said to run and tell Mommy." I sobbed. "I can't believe he'd say that." I then added while wiping my face. "I'm so sorry, baby. I promise you he never meant to say that. I know this is awful and I know just how damaged you're going to be after this but I can tell you he never meant to say that." "Angie, I'm scared." I held onto her.

"I won't let him hurt you again, Iz. I promise." "What about when he goes back there and I'm not there? What will he do?" "Don't worry, you're safe." "But look at what he did to Jason. He could have done that to me." "Let's get you into bed." "What if he comes here an-" "Izzy, darling, Cody isn't going to come anywhere near you for the next few days. That's a fact." She assured.

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