Chapter 10

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"Miss Jordan," Sam's voice caused me to freeze as I came through the front door. "Hi." I stood in the doorway of the living room and then noticed Angie sat on the other end of the corner couch. "Oh fuck.." I mumbled. "Indeed." Angie nodded. "Come sit, you have two hours until your dad gets home. I'm sure we'll get the truth from you in that time." Sam smiled warmly which kinda worried me.

I walked into the room and sat on the single couch in the corner of the room. "I didn't want to go to school yesterday because it makes me feel so crappy at the moment. And after breaking up with Jason I literally had no energy to do anything. I knew I couldn't come home either because there was people home and you guys were at your home and so I had no where to go." "So you went to Cody?" Sam asked.

"When I originally called him he told me he wasn't going to come get me because I needed to go to school but I ignored him and got the subway to his apartment. He obviously couldn't tell me to go away when I was stood right outside his door." "Why didn't you come home last night?" Angie asked. "We were worried about the pair of you." Sam added on.

"Why?" "We thought you might have gotten into trouble." "Why though?" I looked between them. "Because after Cody had told your father that you were with him we couldn't get through to either of you for the rest of the night." "Oh." I looked into my lap as I remembered why that might have been. "Neither of us woke up until about an hour ago and he brought me straight home." I told them.

"Izzy, please don't be lying to us." Angie sighed. "I mean, we knew you were lying about what happened at the weekend but please don't lie about this." Sam pleaded. "I'm not lying. That's what happened. I promise." "Why weren't you answering your phones?" Angie asked me. I immediately broke eye contact by finding one of Joey's toys to fix my eyes on.

"We were talking." "About?" "Jason." "For hours?" "Yes." "Izzy.." Sam pushed. "We did talk about Jason." I looked up. They both raised their eyebrows making a smile appear on my face. "Stop thinking what you're thinking!" I giggled. "The last thing you do at night is check your phone so what was so interesting that you forgot to do that?" Sam asked.

"We've spoken to Cody, he's really not that interesting." She added before I could say anything. "So what was he doing that kept you so busy?" Angie tested. I could feel my cheeks heating up so I got up. "I don't have to answer to you guys." I smiled and walked out.

"Isobella Grace Jordan!" Sam called as if she was scolding me. I giggled while going back into the room. "Sit back down." "Nooo! It's awkward." I refused. "We were young once, we know exactly what you were up to. Don't go thinking that just because we're old you can get away with it." "You're not old, guys!" "That's not what we're focusing on right now." Angie said.

"This isn't fair, it's two on one." "We'll get Cody over then." "No!" I quickly shook my head making them laugh. "Oh, Izzy." Sam chuckled while shaking her head at me softly. "But I promise it was the first time we kissed since we broke up." "I caught you kissing after you'd broken up." Angie scoffed. "Oh yeah." I giggled.

"It was the first time you'd had sex sinc-" "Ew! I'm not talking about this with you!" I denied while getting up. "Izzy!" Sam called me back, this time she was more serious. "It's my life, not yours." "Izzy, we're trying to be on your side. Don't get mad at us." Angie said softly. "Well it's got nothing to do with either of you, just because you saw me getting out of his car it doesn't mean anything."

"We know you well enough to know what it means." "I'm done talking about this; he's your son. I know for certain he'd hate to be in my situation and would flip out if you'd handled it like you just did with me. So why am I different?" "You're a girl, we can approach things like this with you." "But, Angie, it's not your business. Especially not because he's your baby but also neither of your business because it was my decision. If I'd chosen to tell you, which I was going to, I wouldn't be upset but now? I'm really disappointed. Now, I'm going upstairs." I walked out.

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