Chapter 11

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"Why did your sheets change color?" I said while going into Cody's bedroom to put my bag in there. "I was tidying up and then decided to wash the sheets." "You wanted to get rid of my smell in your bed?" "That's far from the truth." Cody was stood in the doorway.

"You coming to sit out here with me?" "Lay in here with me." "Mhm." He nodded and pulled the sheets away from the mattress. I watched as he took off his shirt and then I took off my shorts and laid next to him. Cody pulled me closer to him with his arm around my waist. "Did you lock the door?" "Yeah." "Did you turn out all the lights?" "No because I thought we were sitting out there." "Oh it doesn't matter."

"You wanna tell me what's going on up here?" He tapped my forehead. "Okay, don't be mad." "I'm not going to be mad." "You will be." "Why?" "Because I told Alli about what we did." "Why?" "Because she's my best friend and I needed to let it all out." I said as I started to get nervous as to how he would react. "Don't panic, Isobella, I'm not going to start shouting at you."

"Well before that when I got home your mom was there and so was Sam and they were messing around and it made me mad and I got upset because they were just- ugh-" "Isobella, chill. You're not making sense and you're speaking way too fast." "They jumped to conclusions and I got upset because it just started messing with my mind. They were asking me all kinds of questions when I didn't even know the answers for myself."

"So what did you do?" "Speak to Alli." "What did she say?" "She didn't question me or anything. I think she could tell how mixed up my head was so she laid off and wasn't mad at me or anything. But then she asked if I loved you an-" "I heard that bit." "Oh." I bit my nail. "Don't do that." He pulled it out my mouth. "You'll have odd nails." He added which made me laugh.

"Hey, where did my happy Isobella go?" "I don't know. She got lost." "Baby," "Don't do that!" I sat up. "It messes with my mind. It makes everything worse! I don't know how I'm supposed to react to it. Do I accept it or do I deny it?!" "Calm down!" "Ughh!" I screamed and fell onto his chest. Cody chuckled and rolled me over so he could see my face.

"Give me a go?" "No." "Trust me." "I can't." "Why can't you?" "Because you hurt me!" "I don't know what I'm supposed to do to fix it! I've done everything! I've tried absolutely everything but you won't even acknowledge how hard I've tried!" He said with frustration. "When you start college you're going to have tonnes of girls around yo-" "None of them will ever compare to you."

"How do you know?!" "Because I love you!" He shouted which made me shut up. "And I know you love me too so please just give in." Cody let out a big sigh. "Give into what?" "To yourself. To me. To everything we both know that the both of us want. Isobella, just let yourself fall." "Last time you left me to hit the ground." "No, last time you wouldn't let me catch you."

"Cody," I sighed. "Stop trying to protect yourself and let me do it for you." He reached for my hand but I moved it away. "When do you start college?" "Next week. Will you give in?" "Will it be the same when you're going to college?" "It will be exactly how you want it to be." "But I won't be able to see you all the time. I don't want to be controlling and obsessive and p-" "What makes you think that will happen?"

"I won't know what you're doing and who you're with. You could be with another girl and I wouldn't have a clue. That idea scares me." "I'll text you all the time, I can call you when you have lunch. We will make this work. I promise." "Who was that chick whose underwear was here?" "Why are you so hooked on that?" "Because I want to know who else you've been sleeping with."

"Why?" "Because I want to know." I glared. Cody sighed and looked away from me. "Was it Sarah?" I whispered. "No! Who the fuck do you think I am?!" "Okay! Chill!" "I met her at college when we had this taster day, she's in one of my classe-" "The fact that you didn't want to tell me that makes me suspicious." "Because I knew you'd be upset about us sharing a class and wouldn't know how to handle that."

Compulsion - Cody Simpson FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora