Chapter 3

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"He won't answer my calls, Alli's calls, Angie's calls, Brad's call-" "Izzy, calm down. You need to stop focussing on the wrong thing." "Jason will wake up and he will be fine! You said that to me, you told me he'll be fine so why do I need to worry if I know he'll be okay within no time?!" "Because you're going to upset his family. They want to know who did this. It's pretty fucking obvious to us."

"But, James, Cody can't get arrested!" "He won't be." "And how do you know that?" "Because if you can't get Jason to keep his mouth shut, I know I can." He said which shut me up. I followed him closely through the hospital until we met up with Jason's dad and two sisters. One is 21 and the other is 10.

"Is he doing okay?" I asked as I hugged his older sister. "The nurse said he'll wake up by the end of the night, they had to wait for him to gain consiousness before they could use general anaesthetic to operate. They've operated now and he is now in recovery." "Can we see him?" "No, not until he's woken up. Mom's in there with him but we can't."

"He's going to be okay though, Izzy." Jason's dad rubbed my back as he hugged me. "I know he will." I smiled softly. "Do you have any idea who was involved?" James asked which caused me to glare at him. "No." "Well who called the ambulance?" I then asked. Okay, I was intrigued with that one. Did Cody beat him up and then call for help? That doesn't seem right.

"We don't know that either." "Surely the person who did this to Jason called the ambulance?" Jason's little sister suggested. "Maybe." I smiled at her. "Would he?" James whispered to me. I subtly shook my head. But then changed my mind and shrugged my shoulders. "I never knew he was capable of this." I whispered to him. "He almost killed Lucas." "This makes two." I pointed out which made James laugh lightly.

Later that night, Jason still hadn't woken up and even if he had we wouldn't have been able to see him. Only instant family could see him now. So James and I got home at around midnight. "Hey." I forced a smile to Sam while walking towards Dad and stopping as I hit his chest. His arms wrapped around me and held me tightly before kissing my head.

"How's he doing?" "He was unconscious, fully out of it for around an hour. When he woke up they made sure everything was okay before putting him under anaesthetic to operate on him-" "Operate?" "He has some horrible damage done to him. Internal bleeding and stuff." James continued to explain to Dad while Sam went into the kitchen.

"Have they spoken to the police? Do they have any idea who's done this to the poor guy?" Sam asked from the kitchen which made Dad scoff. "What?" I looked up at him. "I wasn't fooled by the way he treated you. I know just how dangerous Cody can be." He whispered so Sam wouldn't hear. "How do you know he-" "You don't even know it was Cody!" I raised my voice to cut James off.

"Izzy, calm down." "You're all just blaming him. This isn't fair." "You were convinced earlier." James pointed out. "Yes but then I realised that he's not that fucking dangerous. He wouldn't hurt you unless asked for it. And he wouldn't do that unless you really really really really deserved it. I know him. You guys have no idea what he's been through or who he is!"

"Cody?" Sam came into the room and passed me a mug. "Cody did this?" She aadded on. "I'm going to bed. Thank you for this drink." I forced another smile and then left. It didn't take too long to get ready for bed but once I was I got into bed and almost instantly felt myself dropping off. Until I heard my door open.

"Izzy?" Joey whispered. "Yeah, baby?" "Why is everyone shouting?" He climbed up the bed and got under the blankets with me. "They're not shouting, mate. We were just discussing something." "Why are you crying?" He reached up and touched my cheek. I wiped my face and smiled at him. "Because sometimes when you get sad, you have to cry."

"But why are you sad?" "When you get bigger, things get more complicated. There's no more time to play on the swings or make sandcastles. You have to do big people stuff and that makes me sad because I don't want to deal with big people stuff, I want to go and make a sandcastle or play on the swings." "Well then let's go play." He sat up.

Compulsion - Cody Simpson FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora