Chapter 36

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I used to believe that a sleepless night was falling asleep at 3am, or 4am, or 5am or even 6am. The time is now 9:30 in the morning and I am still laid in the same position that I have been in since 11:30 last night. I've been laid here without making a sound, staring at the ceiling with a jumbled mind of wonder.

Where in the city of London must my extremely upset, angry and oh so damaged boyfriend be? As you've probably guessed already, he hasn't come back since he left last night. No one has been able to get hold of him considering his phone is laid on the bed next to me.

Alli's been in once already this morning asking me to come down to breakfast with her and James but I just shook my head. They're stood outside my door right now squabbling over who's going to knock and come in first. Eventually one of them knocked.

"Izzy, please come down with us?" Alli spoke softy as she sat on the bed. James stayed in the doorway giving me a sorrowful look. I shook my head. "Look, if he comes back-" "He's going to come back! And when he does, I have to be here. If he gets back and I'm not here he'll freak out and I'm not okay with that!" I almost shouted as I sat up to look at them both.

"Iz," James sighed. "What?" I growled back at him. "Do you think it's fair that he's left you here worrying about him all night?" "Fine." I sighed and got up. "Get out, I'm changing." I glared at the pair of them. James walked away but Alli stayed.

"Alli-" "Do you want me to write a note saying that we're at breakfast so if he gets back-" "I'm going to do it. Just leave me alone for a few minutes." "I'm sorry." "Okay." I watched her get up and leave and then I picked out something comfy to wear. Leggings and one of Cody's top with one of his zip-up hoodies and black vans.

Together the three of us went down to the restaurant and found the others. Everyone exchanged their greetings while I silently found a chair next to Angie and sat down. "Is he still out?" She whispered to which I nodded. "He'll be okay, sweetie." She kissed my head to comfort me.

"Mummy, tell us what we're doing today now?" Joey asked Sam. "Well, we were thinking that as it's raining we'd go to look at all the wax celebrities." "The what?!" "It's like a museum where they have wax figures of all the cool celebrities." "Cooool!" He grinned with amazement.

"So are you three going to explain why we got knocks on the door from panicked children last night?" Dad looked between James, Alli and I. "Because Cody likes to overreact." James rolled his eyes. "Shut up." I glared. "Oh come on! You have to admit that this is all really stupid." "James," Alli shook her head at him.

"You're going to stand up for him too?" He questioned. "You don't see the bigger picture. You don't know the other problems. You don't understand the deeper damage." "Alli, stop." I warned her. "They don't know either." I reminded. "What? Know what?" Brad asked. "Nothing." "He's psychotic." James scoffed.

"James!" Sam scolded. "Izzy, is there something I should know?" Angie spoke so only I could hear her. "No. I have to go. I nee-" "Izzy, I'm his mother. If there is anything going on then I should be made aware of it." "He doesn't want you to know. You can't fix it for him. You can't take it away so just stop."

"Izzy, sit down." Dad instructed once I'd risen to my feet. "I'm going back to-" "You haven't even eaten." "I don't want food. I'm not hungry." I said and walked away. Once I was in the lobby I heard Angie call my name so I turned around.

"Come on, come here." She pulled me into her chest. Straight away I let out a huge sob as I began to cry into her. "I'm so scared, Angie. I want him to be okay." "He will be okay, Iz. You really think he'd leave you behind if he were to go anywhere?" "He's incredibly broken." I pulled away so I could look at her.

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