Chapter 5

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About a week later.. Jason was allowed to leave the hospital after a few days so he's back at home now. I told Alli what went down and said that we couldn't see each other when Jason was anywhere near the house and she said that we could make that work. We hang out at school and as much as we can outside of school. Of course I wasn't actually going to cut my best friend out of my life.

Anyways, I'm in calss right now. Last class of the day. I was dreading going home, absolutely dreading it. Ever since Jason got out of hospital he's been overly protective and obsessive and all the things that a girl does not want in a boyfriend. Plus, he's James' best friend so he's not just at the house on my account.

"Izzy? The answer.." The teacher spoke. "Uhh.. X is equal to Y to the power of six." I read from my notes. "How do you do that?" Alli asked me. "Do what?" "Be completely out of it yet get the answer right." "I'm clever." I grinned at her. "What are you doing tomorrow? Lucas is having a party and we want you to come." "I can't. I have plans." "What are your plans?" "Secret plans." I sent her a smile as the bell went off.

"Izzy, you can't just say that!" "Well I did." I smiled. "I bet you're like under-cover and going to meet Cody or something." "Excuse me?" "You know where he is, don't you? You were the last person to talk to him before he went missing." "He's not missing, he's just gone into hiding." "But why?!" "I don't know, Alli! I don't know him like I used to know him."

"Why should I believe you? You were going behind our backs for two months almost." "We weren't like- A thing for that long. We told as soon as we became a thing." "Seriously? I didn't know that." "We literally told our parents on the same day." "Well, I still think it's possible." "I wouldn't do that to your parents. They're so worried and so is Tom. If I knew where he was or how to find him, you guys would know too."

"I'm just going to have to trust that." She sent me a look. I rolled my eyes at her in annoyance. I'm not even lying to her! "Lying to you was not my best move, was it?" "Not at all, my friend." "Really should have thought about that one more." "You should have just been better at it. I mean, you were pretty obvious. Your sheets smelled like his cologne, you'd both get home late from school within five minutes of each other."

"We thought we were being smart." I giggled. "Do you miss it?" She turned serious as we exited the building. "More than you could imagine. He became my best friend." "That's mean." "But he wasn't just my best friend, he was my partner, my teacher, my student, my companion, my worst enemy and my boyfriend. All in one."

"That's what happens with your first love. The only sad thing about it is that you don't have time to stop and notice it until it's too late." "And then it's gone." I snapped my fingers as I said 'gone'. "I never imagined it being gone for good though." "I never imagined it happening in the first place." "You just fantasized about it." She teased which made me laugh.

Later that night I was just about done with my homework when Jason came into my bedroom. "Hi, baby." "Hey." "What you doing?" "I'm doing my homework." I answered the last question on the paper. "Fuck that." "Jason," I reached for my book which he'd taken from me. "How about you do me instead?" He threw it on the floor and crawled up to me on the bed.

"Nooo, I'm trying to study." "But baby, it's been forever." "I don't care. I'm busy." I said while getting off my bed and picking up my math book. "Iz, come on. I can't stay tonight so-" "So you can wait until we can spend the whole night together." "What is wrong with you?" He laughed. "Is sex the only reason you came to see me? Because if it is you can go back to James and fuck him."

"Woah." James' voice caught my attention. "You think I'm gonna go fuck James?" Jason laughed again. Ignoring the fact that he was stood by the door. "Well you're not fucking Izzy." "Already done it, mate." "I gathered. Now, are you ready to go?" "Where are you going?" I asked them both. "I'm going home." "Okay." I smiled at Jason.

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