Chapter 19

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"Don't you think it's strange that we haven't even made out since Wednesday?" I questioned Cody as he came into the bedroom. "I think it's necessary if you don't feel comfortable." "You don't have to cover up how you feel just to make me happy." "Well, yeah, it annoys me but it's fine because I fucked up."

"Come to bed." I groaned after watching him wonder around the bedroom for a while. "I'm just going to get some cake, do you want some?" "Mhm. Bring the left overs." I said. "There's still half a cake left, Isobella." "We ate half yesterday and will eat half today. I didn't eat it when you went out today, I think eating it now should be my reward." "You're too cute." Cody laughed while leaving the room.

As you've probably guessed, today is Sunday. We didn't really do anything today, well I haven't left the apartment and Cody only left to go give something to one of his new mates from college. I've still got no idea what it was but I can't say I care.

"Fork for you." Cody threw a fork at me. "Ouch!" "Sorry." "Fork you!" "Dork." He laughed and sat on the bed with me. "Let's watch a movie." I got up to look for one. "We'll just watch television." "Nooo." "Get back into bed and watch the TV." "Ugh." I groaned and sat back down before pulling the covers over my lap. "Just relax for five minutes." "What have I been doing all weekend?" "You don't keep still, that's what you need to do."

"I have energy!" I complained. "That's not my problem." "Is." I nudged him while having a mouthful of cake. "You didn't take me out when you went." "You didn't want to come out." "But you could have asked me to come with you." "You would have refused." "Oh, just shush." I hushed him. "You know I'm right." "I don't actually think you're right in the slightest way." "I'm always right." He smirked.

"I'm going to expload!" I said and fell back onto the bed. Between us we'd just finished the chocolate cake that we made yesterday. "That's because you pretty much ate all of that yourself." "You lie." I accused which made Cody laugh. "Piggy." "Shut up." I hit his chest playfully. "Was that supposed to hurt?" "No." "Don't give me that little giggle." Cody laughed at my giggle.

"Does this hurt?" I sat up and hit his chest again. "Ohhh, so bad." He played. "What about this?" I grabbed his hands and held them above his head. "Stop, this is torture." Cody mocked. "What about this?" I crashed my lips into his.

Within seconds, Cody's hands had escaped my own and were tightly gripping my hips. He then pulled me onto his body before sitting up. "Stop trying to undress yourself." He said as he pulled away. "But I want to.." I trailed off half way through my sentence. "Just chill, okay? Focus on kissing me and stop trying to take your clothes off." He held my face in his hands.

"I just- I thought that's what you wanted to do and so-" "If I wanted you naked, I would try taking your clothes off myself." "Okay, just kiss me." I grinned and pressed my lips against his. "Dork." Cody mumbled against my lips while flipping us over. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his tongue found it's way into my mouth.

My hands trailed down his body to the top of his sweats but then Cody pulled away before I could do anything else. "What did I just tell you?" "I didn't do anything!" I giggled. "Why don't you want to?" I then asked him. "Just-" "No, you have to tell me." "Isobella," "Cody," I copied. He groaned and rolled off me before sighing loudly.

"Why are you being a saint and not want-" "A saint." He repeated with a laugh. "Why?" "Isobella, I'm not comfortable talking about this." "I don't care. I want to know why my extremely sexually frustrated boyfriend who hasn't had any sexual contact in the last week and three days doesn't want to have sex now when I'm giving him a direct ticket into my underwear."

"Isobella," "Stop saying that. I wanna know, let me into this." I tapped his forehead. "I don't want to lose control with you. Last time I did that, I scared and hurt you." "It's differe-" "I'm not in the mood." "You've just given me two completely different answers." "I don't want to lose control of myself because that's what I did last time and I don't want to do that again. I know it's different and last time I was angry but you drive me crazy and I'm not prepared to let you do that until I know I'm safe."

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