Chapter 27

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"I'm going to work now, sweetie. See you later this afternoon. I love you." Dad kissed my forehead. I was still laying in my bed and just groaned in response. "Where's Cody?" "In the shower. Sam's staying home for you, I'm sorry I can't." "It's okay, Daddy. I'll call you at lunch time." "Good girl." "Love you." "Love you too." He kissed my head again and then left the room.

Shortly after, Cody came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. "How are you feeling this morning?" "Better than last night." "Should hope so." He laughed. During the night I managed to throw up all over the bed.. and Cody. It wasn't pretty. "I'm really sorry about that." "I know you are, it's okay." "I still really like you." "That's good." He laughed again while pulling his shirt over his head.

"I'll be back after my classes, around two. Okay?" "Don't you leave too!" "I love you, Isobella." He kissed my nose. "But if you really loved me, you'd stay." I held onto his shirt so he couldn't stay up straight. "Baby, you know I don't want to leave you like this but I have to. You'll be okay." "Call me." "I will." He kissed me once more and then left the room.

I'd been left alone for a while when I got bored so I grabbed my duvet and carried it downstairs with me. No one was in the house which I found weird. I went into the kitchen to find a note; Taking Joey to kindergarden, won't be long xx - Sam. I smiled to myself and then went into the living room so I could curl up on the couch.

As you've probably guessed, I'm not at school today because of last night and yesterday's antics. I turned on the television and switched to some chat show to listen to while I dozed. Once again that nausea feeling approached me. I let out a big groan and got up to go to the bathroom. Why is this happening to me? I haven't even eaten anything!

Sam returned home as I was leaving the bathroom. "Oh, Izzy, again?" "Again." I nodded. "This isn't right." She got her phone out of her pocket. "What isn't right?" "You being ill." "Cody said food poisoning." "You haven't eaten, Izzy." "Oh." "Go sit down, I'm going to google your symptoms." "That's the easiest way to diagnose death." I joked while going into the living room.

She followed and sat down on the other end of the couch so she had the covers over her lap. We went through stupid diagnosations, laughing at them. "Says here pregnancy." Sam laughed it off. I froze and my face dropped as I remembered something. Oh God. "Izzy?" She picked up on my change of attittude. "Izzy!" "What?!" I snapped out of my daze and looked at her.

"Could you be pregnant?" "I.. Uh.. No. There's no way." I shook my head. "You use protection, right?" "Yes. Exactly. There's no way." I shook my head again. "Izzy, tell me the truth." "There was this one time." I mumbled while staring at my hands in my lap.

"Izzy.." Sam groaned. "It couldn't be, no. That's stupid." "What happened, Izzy?" "I'm not telling you!" I laughed and shook my head. "Remember I'm a mother and an adult and your step mother." "There's no point. I'm not pregnant." "Izzy, tell me." "No." "Do you want me to go get Angie? She's not at work, I'm sure she could interrogate you as well."

"Oh yeah, sure. Play the Angie card. I'm so scared." I mocked. "Fine." She stood up. "No, no, no! Don't go get Angie!" I begged making Sam laugh before taking a seat. She stared at me and waited for me to explain.

"It was just over a week ago. Remember when I was late to school and Dad heard us talking and all that drama? It was that time." "Why, Izzy? You're smart kids, you're aware of the consequences if you're not careful." "We didn't think about it!" "Why not? It's not hard to just put on a condom." "But we were.. we were in the shower." I giggled and blushed as I told her.

Sam laughed as well and shook her head. "Oh to be young again.." She murmured. "You should have told him to go get one." "We were just messing around and kissing but one thing lead to another and- it wasn't like it was on purpose." "Did he..?" "Did he what?" "Did he.. finish." It was quite obvious she was finding it hard to word what she was asking.

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