Chapter 31

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"I won't catch it if I spend too much time with you, right?" Alli asked. I laughed and shook my head. She'd asked why I was given the week off school and I told her it was a bug. Today is Friday and we're sat in the park with Joey. "Good because unlike you, I don't find every reason I can to not go to school." "I hate it." "You used to like it." "Don't start." I rolled my eyes.

"What do you think this surprise is?" Alli then asked me. "I don't know. I'm excited." "Tom said something about spring break." "Ooh, fun. Maybe we're doing something for spring break." "Maybe we're going back to Disney Land? That was so much fun!" "I know! I loved that. Did he say anything else?" "Nah, he said that he couldn't tell me." "Cody wouldn't tell me anything."

"Shall we go back now? See if Dad's got home yet." "Worth a shot." She got up off the swing. "Joey, you ready to go home?" "No." He shook his head and climbed up onto the climbing frame so I couldn't reach him. "Jeremy might be home." "Is he?" "Shall we go look?" "Yeah!" He slid down the slide and ran to grab each of our hands.

When we got home, Dad was actually in so we went into my house were everyone was sat out the back. "Daddy!" I grinned and hugged him. "Yeah?" I heard Cody answer causing James to laugh. "I missed you." "Are you feeling okay now?" Dad held me at arm's length and examined me. "I'm fine. Bug's cleared I think." I smiled.

"That's good then." "Yes but we want to know what this surprise is. Cody's been driving me crazy with it." "Okay so, spring break's coming up and we were thinking about doing something special for all you kids. Your mothers- well- you know." He eyed me carefully, I gave him a reassuring smile so he smiled back and continued to explain.

"They were discussing how we've not gone away or done anything as a big family since we took the weekend away to Disney Land. Sam and I are married now so things are different and we wanted to do something together during spring break. They spoke to Cody about his breaks and he asked why and then the three of them together came up with an idea."

"What's the idea?" I jumped on the spot. "You both have to thank Cody for this, he's the observant one who chose the destination." "Destination?" Alli questioned. "We're obviously going away for spring break, pay attention." I clapped my hands in front of her face which made everyone laugh.

"How does London sound?" He raised his eyebrows. My stomach dropped and my heart stopped beating as my eyes locked with Cody's. "Seriously?" I whispered. Ever since I was little I've always dreamed of going to London. It's all I used to talk about as a child. Mom always said she'd take me there for my eighteenth and we'd have drinks and things.

"Izzy! We're going to London!" Alli squealed and wrapped her arms around me as we jumped on the spot. The pair of us squealing and giggling like little girls at a heartthrob's concert. "I'm so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I launched myself at Dad and squeezed him tightly. "I love you so much!" "It wasn't my idea, just my credit card." He said making the adults laugh.

"Thank you, Sam!" I hugged her and then hugged Angie. "Thank you so much, I'm so excited!" I said as Angie kissed my forehead. Someone clearing their throat caught my attention. "I think someone else may have had input in this." Cody raised his eyebrows at me. I giggled and ran over to him.

"You're so getting laid tonight." I whispered in his ear and then kissed him. "I love you." "I love you too, baby." Cody kissed my cheek. I smiled and rested my forehead on his. He pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips against mine. "Okay, okay, that's enough of that." Dad's voice interrupted us. I giggled and pulled away from Cody who laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Are we actually staying in London?" I asked. "Yes, we have a four star hotel booked for one week." Angie answered as I sat down next to Brad. "Oh yay. Rooms?" "We were thinking that we'd do you and Alli and then Cody and James and the-" Brad stopped so he could laugh. "Don't look so scared, you and Cody will be sleeping together." He then assured.

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