Chapter 1

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"Alli! It doesn't work like that, you absolute moron!" I giggled while pushing her away from the machine. "Give me my fooood!" She shouted while laughing. "You don't tell it what you want and then it gives it to you, it's not a vending machine." "Should be." "You place your order and then take your ticket and wait over there for your fucking nuggets." "Fucking nuggets." She repeated teasingly with a chuckle.

"How do you not know this?" "I don't eat in McDonalds every day." "I do." I grinned. "You didn't eat for like five weeks." She mumbled while grabbing her ticket and then she walked away. I placed my order and then followed her before silently standing by her side.

"I'm sorry, that was insensitive. I shouldn't ha-" "I don't care about your brother anymore." I scoffed. Of course Alli knew it still hurt me but let's not dwell on the past. Now, I guess I need to do some explaining. Cody and I broke up. That's pretty obvious. We broke up a week and a half after getting back together, I broke it off.

If I'm going to be perfectly honest, I couldn't get past the fact that he'd been going behind my back for so long and using his metal illness as a way of hiding it. And then using his mental illness as an excuse for doing it. I mean, who would take that lightly? Not me. I don't kiss Cody's ass and I wasn't prepared to let him think he could walk all over me.

So that was about ten weeks ago. I can safely say that he is in my past.. Kind of.. As his sister is still my best friend, we have to see each other. When we do see each other, we manage to stay civil. Alli would say otherwise; sometimes we're close and overly friendly then sometimes we just bicker the whole time. Everyone gets annoyed.

That's where my current boyfriend comes into it. Jason. Yes, I said Jason. At first it was just a rebound thing but it turned into something more. We've been together for eight weeks so that's two months. Cody hates him and he hates Cody- nothing changed there. James doesn't really like the idea of Jason and I together but him and Jason are still best friends despite of that.

Now, onto Cody. He moved out when school ended. He's finished and moved onto going to college. Shortly after getting into college, he was gone and we barely saw him. It's about a half hour walk to his house but I've only ever had to do that once. Alli made me!

"Eye spy." I watched over Alli's shoulder as Luke and Jason walked towards us. "Hiiii." Alli smiled at Luke. He sat down next to her and kissed her lips which made me smile. "Hey, where's my kiss?" Jason caught my attention. "Hmm.." I looked around the room teasingly, he laughed and then pressed his lips to my cheek.

"I want to get a coffee before we go." I told them. "Me too." Aili agreed. "What did you buy?" Jason asked me. "Some jeans, shorts, bikini, a few tops and a load of makeup and hair stuff." "Sounds cool." "You're going to have to sit and watch me try it all on." "Why?" He groaned. "Because then I'll know what to keep." "Alli can do it." "I want you to do it." I pouted.

"James needs me to go pick him up later so I can't exactly-" "James or me? Who are you going to pick?" "Oh, baby." He smiled and kissed my lips. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away. "Hey, Iz?" "Mm?" I turned to Luke. "You know your dad's having that barbecue thing tomorrow?" "Yeah." "What do we need to wear?" "Clothes." I joked while looking him up and down.

"No, but seriously because Alli's being a dick about it." "I'm not! I told you but you were the one being stupid." "It's not a massive fancy party. He's just got friends coming over and one of his bands." "I need to talk to you about that." Alli told me. "About what?" "I'll tell you when we're alone." She said while looking at Jason so I turned to him.

"What did I do?" "Nothing." She laughed. "Alright, well. Are you guys ready?" "Let's go." I picked up my phone as I got up. Jason picked up my bags while I straightened out my outfit. A simple white crop top with a light pink skater skirt and matching pink heels.

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