Chapter 4

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"Cody, stop! Get off him!" I shouted as Cody threw another punch at the already incredibly damaged face of Jason. "Get out the way, Isobella!" "Stop hurting him. Please, just stop. You've already nearly killed him." "Get out the way, Izzy." Jason pulled me away from being in front of Cody. I watched as Jason swung a fist at Cody.

On catching Jason's fist, Cody kneed him in the stomach sending him to the floor. "Please," I cried as I watched in horror. "He's just recovered. Stop hurting him." Cody ignored me and kicked his stomach. "You have to stop!" I pushed Cody out of the way. He looked straight past me at the body laying on the floor.

Jason was coughing up blood and quite obviously struggling to breathe. I grabbed my phone and started calling for an ambulance. Cody stopped doing what he was doing and came to me. "What are you doing?" He took my phone from me. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hurt me." I stared in terror. He let out a chuckle as he hung the phone up.

"Why would you chose him," He pointed to Jason. "Over me?" Pointing at himself he threw my phone past me to hit Jason. "I told you to stop that." I said after gaining a little confidence which was shut back down by Cody's intense glare. "Don't fucking tell me what to do." He spat and then shoved me out the way before wallking back over to Jason.

"Get up." He hissed. Jason was barely breathing, let alone had enough strength to climb to his feet. "I said get up!" Cody shouted and kicked him again. "Cody!" "Isobella!" Cody shouted back at me. I shut up and started to back away, wanting to leave to get help. "If you take one more step, Isobella, you'll be in trouble." He warned so I immediately stopped walking.

"Jason, please just try. He'll stop if you can get onto your feet." I tried to help. "Let me help him up?" I begged Cody while getting closer. "Get away from him!" "Sorry!" Quickly I backed off, surrendering. After a massive triumph, Jason got to his feet. Blood was coming from every place that Cody had hit him. I felt so helpless.

"I will fucking kill you." Cody said through gritted teeth. "If you lay a finger on her again- If you so much as talk to her again- I will kill you." He added. Jason didn't say anything, he just shook his head. "Something you want to say?" Cody challenged. What was Jason doing?! Oh God.

"I'm not doing as you say." Jason murmured. "You do not control me." "Alright, you asked for it." Cody held his throat with both his hands. "Cody!" I screamed but this time he didn't respond. "Cody, stop!" I came closer but once again he ignored me. Neither of them would even look at me, Jason was fighting for his life while Cody looked as if he was without any pain what-so-ever.

"Stop!" I screamed louder than ever but it was as if I wasn't even there to them. "Docters can't save you this time. I am going to kil-" "Izzy, are you okay?" James' voice caused me to jump. "Huh? What?" I looked around. James laughed slightly and then turned back to me. "We're here.. You were asleep.." "We're where? What's going on?" "You've been asleep for the last ten minutes."

"Bu-" "What were you dreaming about?" "How do you know I was dreaming?" I looked around at where we were. The parking lot of the hospital. "Because you've been fidgeting the whole time and you seem terrified right now. Your hands are shaky and you're extremely jumpy. What was it? What happened?" "It's nothing. I want to go see Jas." I got out the car.

"Why are you so on edge?" James watched me as I looked around. "I'm fine." "I didn't ask how you were." "Stop asking me questions." "Left." James grabbed my arm as I almost went the wrong way. "I knew that." I giggled. "You moron." He laughed at me.

Once we found Jason and his family James went in to see him while I waited outside. Not only did I want to go in and talk to him by myself but I wasn't exactly sure if I was ready to see what state he was in. "Are you okay?" Daniella, Jason's sister, came out and sat beside me. "I'm waiting for James to see him for a while. I just- I wanna go in alone." "I understand." She nodded.

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