Chapter 32

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A week or so later we were packing for London. With every day that had passed I'd grown more and more excited. "Can you belive that this time tomorrow we're going to be on the plane?" "No, this time tomorrow we'll be in London." "Really?!" I gaped at Cody with awe. "Yes. We're leaving here at four tomorrow morning and heading to the airport where we will get on the plane at half past six. Then we have an 11 hour flight before landing in London."

"What time will we get to London?" "Half five in the evening." "But that won't be the time in London." "I think it'll be like ten at night there." "No, it won't." "Yeah." "No, they're eight hours ahead of us." "They're not Australia, Isobella. The-" "Australia is more like 16 hours ahead of us, you moron." "Your world clock is shit, Isobella." Cody shook his head.

"I'm right." "You're really not, Cody." "Fine." He picked up his phone. "We'll see who's right." "Person who's wrong makes dinner." "Deal." He agreed and started typing on his phone. I continued to pack the pair of our suitcases. Boys are useless at this sort of thing. "You're wrong. Australia is 18 hours ahead." "16 is better than eight." I smirked. "So I win." I added.

"And what about London?" I asked once he'd locked his phone and shoved it in his pocket. "Eight hours." He mumbled which made me laugh. "Aww, is Cody sulking?" I giggled. "Shut up." He laughed. "Babe, can you get me some hoodies?" "Why?" "You can't just wear this jacket and t-shirts." "Why not?" "You'll get cold." "How do you know the weather forecast?" He tested me.

"Fine. Freeze. I don't care." "I'm not going to freeze, Isobella. It's warm." "Cody, get me your fucking hoodies!" "No." "You're so- ugh!" I pushed him out the way and walked to the closet. Cody grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest. "Hi, baby." He grinned at me. "Are you being this annoying on purpose?" I asked.

"I want attention." He pouted. "You're like a puppy." I giggled. "Why did you go to the doctors today?" He asked for the hundredth time. "Would you stop?" "I want to know." "No." "Why not?" "Because it's not important." "If it's not important, why can't you tell me?" "Stop being so-" "I love youuu." He grinned his most adorable grin.

"I got an implant, okay? Are we done now?" "Like the contraception thing? Did it hurt? Why did you get that? Can I feel it?" "Yeah, it's like the pill but it's all automatic and it stays there for three years. I got it because Sam and Angie and the doctor thought it was the best option." "Did it hurt?" "Yeah but it was okay." "Can I feel it?" "Mhm." I lifted my arm up and ran my fingers along the bumpy thing under my skin.

Cody carefully copied my action and then made a weird face which made me giggle. "You don't like it?" "That's so strange." He said. "Let me feel it again." "You weirdo." I laughed and let him run his fingers along my skin a few more times. As he dropped his hand to my waist he made that face again making me giggle.

"Does that mean we don't need to use a con-" "I don't want to take chances. What if it fails and then-" "Isobella, it won't fail." "I'm not ready to take that risk." I narrowed my eyes at him. "That's cool. We'll stick to the rubbers." He said which made me laugh.

Not long later, I'd finished packing for the pair of us. Cody continued to refuse to let me pack him some hoodies or sweaters or anything to keep him warm so I packed them in my suitcase. I knew he'd need them and he'd have to admit to being wrong before I smugly give them to him. Childish or not, I like to prove him wrong.

"I think it's bed time for you." Cody came into the bathroom. "Cody, I'm in the shower." "Is that an invitation?" "If you come anywhere near me, I will drown you." "In the shower? I don't think that's possible." He moved the curtain he could look at me while talking. "I'll make it possible." "Hurry up, you need sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a long day." He said.

No matter how hard he tried to stop them, his eyes started to wonder over my body. "Eyes up here, Simpson." I snapped my fingers. "Yes but your boobs are r-" "Cody!" I scolded. He laughed and shook his head. "I'm going to bed. Come meet me there." "Maybe." "Five minutes or I'll come back and get you." "I'm so scared." "I'm counting, Isobella." He said while walking out.

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