Chapter 26

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As I floated into consciousness, I got to admire the beautiful sight of Cody asleep next to me. The sun gently lighting him, with brighter rays crossing his chest coming through gaps in the blind. A few minutes passed before he started to stir. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly before slowly opening them.

"Morning," Cody grumbled sleepily. "Good morning." I smiled and scooted closer to him. Cody's arm wrapped around me to hold me against his bare body. "I had fun last night." "Me too, baby." He kissed my nose. "And we don't have to get up for a while thanks to you." "Me and my fucked up self." Cody said and sat up.

"Hey," I spoke softly, placing my hand on his back. "Babe, I love you so much." He twisted around so he was laying on his front. "And I love you just as much. You're not messed up in any way, you're just different." "I don't like being different." "We're all different in some way, you're not alone in this." "I don't know if that's reassuring or if it makes me feel worse." He sighed.

"You want a coffee?" "Mhm." "You stay here, I'll go make you one." I smiled and kissed his lips before getting out of the bed and picking up his shirt. "No, you'll go naked." "I'm not walking around with no clothes on." "I'm the only person here and I'm right not getting out of bed." "Fine." I sighed and walked off through the living room and into the kitchen.

While waiting for the kettle to boil my stomach started to go queazy and an increasing feeling of nausea bugged me. Ignoring it, I got out two mugs and put the right amount of coffee grains and sugar in each of them. But then the feeling got worse and I had to run to the bathroom.

"Babe?" Cody's concerned voice called but I was too busy bringing up last night's dinner to answer. Seconds later, he came rushing into the bathroom pulling his jeans up his legs. "Hey, baby, it's okay." He assured while dropping his button up shirt over my shoulders and pulling my hair back into a make-shift ponytail. "I don't feel well." "I know, baby." He rubbed my back gently.

Once I was finished emptying my stomach into the toilet, I stood up again. "Come here, baby." Cody's voice was soft as he pulled me into his chest. "All up?" "I think so." "Go to bed, I'll go get you some water." "I'm sorry." My eyes started to fill with tears. "Hey," He held my face in his hands gently while shaking his head. "Don't apologize, you can't help being ill." He kissed my nose and let me go.

"Throwing up in front of you really wasn't attractive, I'm sorry." "Stop apologizing, I told you already, I'm here to look after you just like you look after me." We were sat in the waiting room, ready for Cody's first therapy session. "But that can't have been-" "When you have children, am I supposed to run away because you'll be throwing up? Am I supposed to be grossed out by all the water breaking and screaming and things coming out of you? No. You didn't do it on purpose, stop worrying about it."

"You think about us having babies?" I raised my eyebrows. "Like I said, Isobella, you were probably poisoned and it's passed. Don't worry about it." "You think about us having babies?" I repeated my question. "Isoeblla, I'm not talking about this anymore." He smirked. "Aww! You're so adorable, gimme kiss." "Shut up." Cody laughed while pressing his lips to mine.

"Cody Simpson?" A middle-aged woman stood in the doorway oh so cheerfully. With clear hesitation Cody raised to his feet, pulling me with him. "This way, Sir." The woman smiled at him and lead us through the hall. "I hate that." Cody mumbled. "Hate what?" "Everyone looking at you like you've just killed someone and her just grinning at me as if life's perfect. Well, it's not." "Calm down." I squeezed his hand.

"Mr Downing is waiting for you," The woman smiled once again while stopping outside an almost closed door. "Thank you." I returned her smile but a little less enthusiastically. Cody didn't say anything but knocked and pushed the door open.

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