Chapter 12

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"Are you serious?" Alli asked in shock after I'd explained to her mine and Cody's argument. "I can't believe he would say that." "What bit?" "Any of it. I don't even know how he could think he's the victim in it." "Well some how he does and he believes he's an angel from heaven and I'm the devil." I rolled my eyes.

"So have you spoken to him since?" "No. Why would I? He's the world's biggest dick. I literally want to strangle him." "What are you going to do about, like, what happened on Thursday night." "Just regret it for the rest of my life." "You don't need to regret it, Iz." "Oh but I do." "I bet you enjoyed it at the time though." "Well yes, of course." "So there's no need to regret something you had fun doing."

"But he's a huge dick." "I know he is but he made you happy at one point." "Alli, why won't you just rant with me?" "Because that won't solve anything." She laughed. "I just wanted to hit him and slap him and kick him and- ugh! He just makes me so angry! I've never been that angry before in my life." I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"It's his first day of college on Monday." Alli poined out. "I hope his girlfriend chokes on his dick between classes." "Woaaah!" Alli laughed at me. "What girlfriend?" "This girl he met on his taster day or whatever. He fucked her-" "Don't need to know that." "Well I bet he's gone running back." "Izzy, I know you want to slag him off and bitch about him all day, which you have been doing, but if I only know one thing about my brother it's that he's deeply in love with you."

"Suck up." I scoffed while putting my straw in my mouth. "Maybe you should call him and try work out where you went wrong. Clearly you both wen't wrong somewhere or else you wouldn't both be this mad and this morning wouldn't have happened." "He thinks he's i-" "Izzy! I'm not doing this again!" She raised her voice which shut me up. "Sorry." I giggled.

This morning, the morning after our fight, he came over to pick Tom up because he was taking him out somewhere. Anyways, I was there and we just started shouting at each other again and Brad and Angie had to separate us. He's so arrogant and needs to be knocked out!

"I don't want anything to do with him anymore. I gave him the chance he wanted and then we both knocked it down within ten minutes so he can do one if he wants another go." "You wanna know what I think?" "Not if you're sucking up to your brother." "I'm not. I'm giving you an outsider's opinion." "Go for it." I sighed and laid back in the sand.

"I think that you're both so madly in love with each other but you don't know how to handle it because you're scared of getting hurt like you did last time so you found something to shout at each other for when really you wish you could just forget everything that happened and go back to how it was." "No, I want to kill him."

"Izzy, don't be so stubborn." Alli laughed at me. "I know that no matter what I say you would have fucked again by the end of next week." "That's not true!" "Yes it is! You're like addicted to each other. You have a fixation on one another and you can't ignore it." "Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, look! It's Lucas and an extremely good looking guy." I pointed.

Alli got up and ran over to Luke, he caught her and spun her in circles before putting her down and then they kissed. "You guys gross me out." I said as they came back over. "Izzy, this is my cousin." Lucas introduced while I got up. "Hi, I'm Izzy." I smiled at him as I brushed the sand off my butt. "I'm Alfie." "Nice to meet you." "You too." He smiled warmly.

"Girls, we have a question." Lucas spoke up after pulling away from Alli's lips. "Ask it." "You up for a party tonight?" He looked between Alli and I. "Yes!" I cheered. "Oh God." Alli dropped her head onto Lucas' shoulder. "She's had a mega fight with Cody so, you know?" "Just please don't disappear like that other time." Luke joked. "Or get drugged." Alli added with a small laugh.

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