Chapter 20

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"Just talk to her, Iz." "No, Sam, because she said things too. She hurt me too, am I supposed to forget the things that Alli said?" "You need to be the bigger person and talk to her about it." "I don't want to." I sighed and opened the cupboard. "I wanna go see Cody." I got my phone out my pocket and searched for his number.

"If you start seeing him all the time every day then you'll start fighting more and more." Sam stated. "I have no friends!" I grew frustrated. "Go spend some time with your little brother." "But I want to see my boyfriend." I frowned. "Your choice, just don't come crying to me when it all goes wrong." She sighed and walked out.

I made a face at her and mimicked what she'd just said, mocking her before locking my phone again. "Joey?!" I called for him and went to find him. He was sat outside on the trampoline with an ice-pop in his mouth. "Hi, buddy." I grinned. "Izzy..?" He started. "Yes?" "Can you blow up the pool? I wanna play in the pool." "Really?" I groaned.

"Yes, and you can play too." "Why don't we just play on the trampoline?" "No! I wanna play in the water!" "Fine." I sighed and went to get the pool. It's just a small blow up one for toddlers and small children. After I'd found it I took it and the pump outside before starting to blow it up while Joey jumped on the trampoline.

"Where's Mommy?" Joey asked after a few minutes of bouncing. "She's inside." "Okay, I need a bathroom." He jumped down from the trampoline. I laughed at his choice of words but then continued to pump air into the pool. Once it was blown up, I filled it with water and then went to find a towel for Joey.

When I went back outside Joey was stood in the pool with all his clothes still on him. I mentally slapped myself for not telling him to stay out and the groaned loudly. "Joey!" "What?" He grinned knowing full well what he was doing. "Come out and we'll go get you dressed." "I don't want to. I like it." He said while getting lower. "Joey, please don't get your top wet too!" "Too late!" He grinned and sat down.

His head barely stuck out the top of the water which made me laugh but then I composed myself and shook my head. "Come on, Joe, get out." "No." He crossed his arms. "Out." "No." "I'll take the water out and you won't be able to play in it anymore." "I don't want you to do that!" He quickly got up and came over to the side so I could lift him out.

He undressed himself and threw all his wet clothes at me. "Go, go, go!" I threw his wet clothes back at him which made him giggle before running inside. "Did someone order a boyfriend?" I heard Cody's voice, instantly brining a smile to my face. "I did!" I stuck my hand in the air. "Hey, baby." Cody pulled me close to him and kissed my lips. "I missed you." "I missed you." He smiled before kissing me again.

"What are you doing here?" "Took Tommy out after school and then when I was dropping him off, Sam was over at my house and she said that you wanted to see me." "So you came here." "I did." He grinned. "Did you see Alli?" I then asked while looking at the ground.

Cody placed his index finger under my chin and lifted my head back up so I'd meet his eyes once again. "She asked if you were okay if that helps." He spoke softly. "I've never had a fight with her before, never like that." "You wanna talk about it?" He asked to which I shook my head and looked down again.

"Babe, she's your best friend. It won't last." "But we don't fight like that." "I can't help you without knowing what happened." "I jus-" "Can I go in the pool now?" Joey interrupted us. I nodded at him and watched as he jumped into the water. "I don't want to talk about it now, can we talk about it later? I have a feeling you mig-" "Izzy, watch!" Joey interrupted us again.

"I'm watching." I smiled at him. He did some weird thing which made me laugh and then I turned back to Cody. "You have a feeling I.." "I have a feeling you might get a little mad." "Why?" "I'll tell you about it-" "Izzy!" "Yes?" I turned to Joey again. "Watch me!" "I am." I smiled and waited for what he wanted to show me.

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