Chapter 37

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"Are you even paying attention to me?!" Miss Kelly shouted at me. "I'm trying!" "You're not trying hard enough, Izzy!" "Go fuck yourself!" I got up from my desk and walked out the class, slamming the door behind me. "Izzy Jordan, get back here no-" "Fuck off!" I shouted without turning back around.

I walked out of the building and off school campus without any hesitation. For around half an hour I wondered around town, trying to calm myself down and clear my head. Once my head was clear and I was relaxed I walked to the florist and went in to buy some flowers pink lilies with white roses. Her favorite.

With my bouquet of flowers I went straight to the cemetery and laid them in front of Mom's headstone. "Happy birthday, Mom." I whispered and sat down. Tears surfaced and before long they started trickling down my cheeks.

Cody said that as it was Mom's birthday it would be a smarter idea to stay home and do things to celebrate her and her lifetime rather then being forced to work at school. I guess this morning's multiple arguments with many teachers prove that he was right.

My phone started ringing after a few minutes. I knew exactly who it was so I got it out my pocket and answered it. "What?" "Where are you?" "Dad, I'm not in the mood for this." "Look, Izzy, you shouldn't have gone in this morning. We all told Cody not to let you so where are you? I'll come and pick you up and bring you home." "I'm fine. I just want to be alone."

"Izzy, don't do this. I want to comfort you. Don't shut everyone out, you're allowed to be upset on her birthday. You're not weak, you're so strong, just let us take care of you." "And who's going to take care of you?!" "We have a whole family who are here for us, Izzy. Please come home or let me come and get you." "I'll call later." I sighed and hung up.

I'd been sat in silence for what felt like hours. People had come and gone to see their loved ones and I was still sat here staring at the flowers I'd bought my mother. Someone sat beside me, I didn't have to look to know who it was, so I tilted myself so that I could rest my head on their upper arm. "You gonna write the card or am I?" Cody held out a birthday card and a pen.

"Why aren't you at college?" "Because I have more important things to do." "Imma write it." I took the card and started writing. I left a message for Mom and then wrote my name before handing it over to Cody. "You sure you want me to write in it?" "Mhm. Mom loved you too." "Okay." He nodded and started writing.

Once he was done he got a plastic wallet out his pocket and put the card in it. "Now it won't get wet if it were to rain." He smiled and kissed my head. "You're a special person." I smiled up at him. "Why couldn't you stay at home and let me drive you down here to do this? We could have saved all the tears that came for the wrong reasons."

"I don't want to deal with this anymore." "You have no choice, Isobella. I know it's hard. I obviously could never imagine the pain you must be in, now or for every day that passes, but you can't keep pushing and pushing and pushing yourself. You have a breaking point and you need to realize that. I realize that and so does everyone else so why can't you accept that?"

"Cody, I.." I trailed off not knowing what to say. "I need to look after you and-" "No, Isobella, you may need to look after me sometimes but I have to look after you sometimes too. Let me do that, okay?" "Last time I let you do that, you.. you.." I stopped and shook my head. "I'm not going to hurt you, baby." "I want my Mom." I let out a sob.

"Hey, hey.." Cody whispered comfortingly while pulling me onto his lap. "Do you think she misses me?" "No." He shook his head. "What?" I choked. "Because I believe that she is by your side every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Of course she misses being able to talk to you but she knows you're okay and she's keeping you safe."

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